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Started by Just Sayin, February 23, 2020, 09:41:26 AM

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Quote from: wh on March 27, 2020, 12:26:21 PM
Quote from: bbtds on March 27, 2020, 11:31:06 AM
Quote from: wh on March 26, 2020, 10:26:50 PMMeanwhile, back to reality:

Your and Trump's reality which we have proved time and time again is idiotic and stupid.

In all likelihood, President Trump will be elected to a 2nd term in November. Pace yourself.

Ok, your opinion, but that still doesn't change that fact that your and Trump's reality is idiotic and stupid.


Even Juan Williams one of the Fox News contributor/talking heads said Sunday morning that President Trump should withdraw his aspiration to have certain parts of the country return to a normal business environment by Easter Sunday. Even he knows it's idiotic.


Quote from: vu84v2 on March 28, 2020, 09:37:57 PM
Quote yesterday from Donald Trump:

Trump said that Pence "calls all the governors. And I tell him, I'm a different type of person, and I say, 'Mike, don't call the governor of Washington. You're wasting your time with him."

"Don't call the woman in Michigan. It doesn't make any difference what happens," Trump also said he told Pence, who leads the U.S. response to the coronavirus.

Trump says that people must praise him and commend him otherwise he is not going to take calls that would coordinate better ways to help people. Not only is that not Presidential, it is inhuman.
Quote from: bbtds on March 28, 2020, 09:42:21 PM
Donald Trump, former president, on his death bed after getting COVID-19 in March 2022.

Trump: "Melania, will you please tell the secret service to get that break through medicine we used 2 years ago on all those coronavirus patients?"

Melania: "Sorry dear. There isn't any of that medicine left."

Trump: "Just tell the secret service. I'm sure they will know how to get some."

Melania: "I'm sorry, dear, that former Michigan governor, Whitmer, is now head of Health and Human Services and she says you were not appreciative of their efforts to secure the medicine for you. She says you can't have the medicine."

Meanwhile, back to reality:



Quote from: wh on March 29, 2020, 10:29:55 AM

Meanwhile, back to reality:


So Trump is the problem since he needs all the governors to bow before him and show "the chosen one" their appreciation.



Some humor to brighten your day. Glad to see the President listening to advisors more. I feel the end of April may not be long enough. Stay safe all.



Just read a report that the government is having provide extra protection for Dr. Fauci.  Right-wing commentators, bloggers and pro-trump groups have been sending threatening emails and communications to him. Sad that one man who has stood up to the President receives this kind of hatred.


Just found out this afternoon that one of my friends was diagnosed with Covid-19 via TeleMed. She could not get a doctors appointment and was directed to use the Parkview Hospital TeleMed service. She had actually been sent to the ER about 8 days ago by her doctor.  She was tested for the flu and told that is what she probably had. Was told today the flu test came back negative and that all her symptoms match Covid-19 and that is most likely what she has but that they would not test her unless she was admitted to the hospital, but that she should not come in unless it was an emergency. She was then prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin... we all know what that means.  :-X

This just confirms the suspicions that the numbers for this outbreak are way off. My wife is a biochemist and chair of the Life Science Department at one of the local colleges and she has been saying the same thing for weeks. My daughter is on the first response team at Children's National Hospital and they are seeing the first pediatric patients coming in now.  Starting to get real now for the wife and I.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


Quote from: FWalum on April 01, 2020, 08:42:46 PM
Just found out this afternoon that one of my friends was diagnosed with Covid-19 via TeleMed. She could not get a doctors appointment and was directed to use the Parkview Hospital TeleMed service. She had actually been sent to the ER about 8 days ago by her doctor.  She was tested for the flu and told that is what she probably had. Was told today the flu test came back negative and that all her symptoms match Covid-19 and that is most likely what she has but that they would not test her unless she was admitted to the hospital, but that she should not come in unless it was an emergency. She was then prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin... we all know what that means.  :-X

This just confirms the suspicions that the numbers for this outbreak are way off. My wife is a biochemist and chair of the Life Science Department at one of the local colleges and she has been saying the same thing for weeks. My daughter is on the first response team at Children's National Hospital and they are seeing the first pediatric patients coming in now.  Starting to get real now for the wife and I.

Sorry to hear that, FW. I think it's inevitable that we all will start to have similar stories, unfortunately. Best wishes to your family and my thoughts are with your daughter as she prepares for what will likely be a very trying time. 


All of the worst case death scenarios are based on "models."  We shutdown the greatest economy the world has ever known based on "models." We're paying our citizens to stay home with money we don't have based on models. Models have put Trump in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position that know nothing politicians Schumer and Pelosi and the rest of the rum dumbs in the "resist" party can exploit. Now these academic modelers are trying to back away from their own projections, because unlike phony climate change models that predict the end of world after we're all dead, they know the day is coming when they're going to have to answer for themselves. Screw this whole thing. Pull the plug and get back to work. Let the "resist" party bitch and moan and 2nd guess all the way to Election Day. Then kick their ass. In the meantime, let the great people of this country out of their homes and back to work.


Quote from: wh on April 03, 2020, 12:12:36 PM
All of the worst case death scenarios are based on "models."  We shutdown the greatest economy the world has ever known based on "models." We're paying our citizens to stay home with money we don't have based on models. Models have put Trump in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position that know nothing politicians Schumer and Pelosi and the rest of the rum dumbs in the "resist" party can exploit. Now these academic modelers are trying to back away from their own projections, because unlike phony climate change models that predict the end of world after we're all dead, they know the day is coming when they're going to have to answer for themselves. Screw this whole thing. Pull the plug and get back to work. Let the "resist" party bitch and moan and 2nd guess all the way to Election Day. Then kick their ass. In the meantime, let the great people of this country out of their homes and back to work.

That would be a death sentence to many.  Here's a reality check for you--On March 27, the number of cases in America were 98,661 with 1,516 deaths.  Right now, not quit a week later, the total number of cases in America is 265,400 with 6,762 deaths.  Cases almost tripling in a week and death quadrupling. But go a head, keep listening to Hannity and Rush.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


On another thread, I posted a canvassing completed by the University of Chicago of about 50 of the top U.S. economists which included this question:

Question B: Abandoning severe lockdowns at a time when the likelihood of a resurgence in infections remains high will lead to greater total economic damage than sustaining the lockdowns to eliminate the resurgence risk.

How many felt that there would be less economic damage by abandoning lockdowns when there is a high likelihood of resurgence?  NONE!! 14% said they were uncertain and 86% agreed with the statement above.

Yet, some people haven't learned that not listening to the experts is part of the reason why this is as bad as it is. They think that somehow Donald Trump or others who have far less knowledge on economics have better answers.


Tough call and I'm glad I don't have to make it.

I'm a small business owner and that is the extent of my knowledge of economics.  That said, I simply do not think the economy can withstand a two-or three-month shutdown.  It has been suggested that restrictions should be loosened for areas of the country that do not have a high level of infections.  I agree with this approach.  Iowa, where I live, has a couple dozen counties where there has not been a single case reported.  It does not make sense to close all economic activity in these areas just because the density and urban transit usage methods have made New York City violently susceptible to the virus.

The argument is that the virus will eventually spread to rural areas so we have to act now.  But that has not been the case in Washington state, where the curve has flattened. 

Tough decisions need to be made.  And soon.



'72, '84-2, and '78 - Being in a little calmer state than I was earlier, I have to admit your responses seem more reasonable than my tersely written post. Hopefully, our "experts" know better than we do and will strike the proper balance that doesn't make the cure worse than the illness.


"Doctors disagree about things all the time. My qualifications in terms of looking at the science is that I'm a social scientist," he told CNN's John Berman on "New Day." "I have a Ph.D. And I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it's in medicine, the law, economics or whatever."

This is from White Trade advisor Peter Navarro who claims that medical experts like Anthony Fauci are wrong in saying that a drug for treating coronavirus has not been verified as effective. This is one of the stupidest and most dangerous statements that I have ever heard of. I also have a Ph. D. and I would definitely say that while I can read statistical studies in my field, that does not in any way make me qualified to interpret quantitative results in medicine.


Quote from: wh on April 03, 2020, 06:28:32 PM
'72, '84-2, and '78 - Being in a little calmer state than I was earlier, I have to admit your responses seem more reasonable than my tersely written post. Hopefully, our "experts" know better than we do and will strike the proper balance that doesn't make the cure worse than the illness.

It is only human for all of us to have some moments during this crisis where we lose our cool. Fully agree in the hope that our experts not only know better than we do, but can work out an optimal balance as we move forward. We also need to remember that just because someone is an expert does not mean that they are right 100% of the time, and that someone is not an expert just because they are right more than 0% of the time. Listen to the experts in medicine and economics, not the person who just gives you the answer that you want to hear.



Working at home in the basement corner, I am losing my focus and getting headaches with consecutive Skype meetings all day. I had to step out and lie down.


For those curious, it appears that Valparaiso University will receive $3,107,360 from the CARES act passed last week. Half of that amount has been released immediately and must go to students as emergency aid grants to help cover campus expenses related to disruptions caused by the pandemic.

The list of amounts allocated to each university is located at the following link:


I see where Doctors Laura Ingrahm , Bill Barr and Donald Trump are pushing for a quicker return to normal. Perhaps before the end of the month. Glad to hear that such eminent doctors are saying things are improving greatly. I'm so encouraged.


Easy in the politics RS. Everyone has expressed stuff that is optimistic and not true. Some democrats have expressed BS comments also. Look it up.


Quote from: RS on April 09, 2020, 03:21:01 PM
I see where Doctors Laura Ingrahm , Bill Barr and Donald Trump are pushing for a quicker return to normal. Perhaps before the end of the month. Glad to hear that such eminent doctors are saying things are improving greatly. I'm so encouraged.

I have a great deal of respect for the 2 medical experts that appear at the daily briefings. It also appears that President Trump has taken their wise counsel to heart in every decision he has made to date. That said, the day will come where we have to begin turning our economy back on. That decision will be made by the person(s) the citizens of this nation elected to make those very weighty decisions - in this instance the President of the United States and our 50 state governors. If they turn the economy on too soon, it could have a terrible result. On the other hand, we can't simply continue to hole up for months on end waiting for a cure. At some point we're going to have to strike a balance. For the Trump haters (Democrat Party, Democrat controlled media, academia, Hollywood, liberal special interest groups, etc.) he will never strike the right balance, even if he does. He will either turn the economy back on too soon and have blood on his hands, or he waited too long and destroyed the economy, followed by the next impeachment hoax. With all the venom these people spew incessantly, including some in my own extended family, I don't know a Democrat personally that I would trust to express an honest, informed, fair minded opinion about anything related to the name Donald Trump (including anyone on this board). Why? Because anyone with hatred in their heart for another human being is incapable of judging that person fairly.



Yes I agree to some of your points wh especially about the economy. Yet a return to normalcy if started too soon would be disastrous. I'm retired as I've said before so going back to work does not effect me. I don't know how many of you work from home at this point and so continue to earn a living and contribute to the economy. However the pro Trump people in the media right posturing media don't seem to get it. They work in safe environments but how many would trade those jobs to go work in health service, food service, public service jobs , etc. that have to face people. I bet the Rush Limbaughs, Laura Ingrahms and Hannity's of the world would not do it. Even the President who is a known germaphobe probably would not do it. It easy to say go back to work but until more testing is done especially for antibodies is done there will be a big unknown. There are plenty of haters on the right side of politics too. I hear them on the radio all the time. its a win / lose situation right now. All we can do is listen to the experts and trust in their decisions.