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New Mascot

Started by crusader05, February 26, 2021, 10:10:50 AM

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Quote from: tjjvalpo on March 03, 2021, 07:27:47 PM
Did anyone else get an email from the new President? Frankly, I am deeply offended by what he said:

"The Committee will send me recommendations that reflect the values, spirit and character of Valparaiso University, and I WILL SELECT the University's new mascot or nickname from among the recommendations."

Who is this guy? The Committee should send him one recommendation. How can he have the final decision on what the nickname should be?

I actually thought the same thing.  Why have a committee to name a new mascot, if one new dude's opinion is all that will matter?  Is it simply to absolve the named committee members from the backlash?  I would have thought that a committee would narrow down the list to 4, and then conduct additional votes to eliminate them 1x1, until you have a winner.  I get that he is the new President, but the new dude gets to make the final decision?  A CEO would provide more deference to their executive committee, if just starting with a company. 
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on March 04, 2021, 12:25:39 AM
Quote from: tjjvalpo on March 03, 2021, 07:27:47 PMDid anyone else get an email from the new President? Frankly, I am deeply offended by what he said: "The Committee will send me recommendations that reflect the values, spirit and character of Valparaiso University, and I WILL SELECT the University's new mascot or nickname from among the recommendations." Who is this guy? The Committee should send him one recommendation. How can he have the final decision on what the nickname should be?
I actually thought the same thing.  Why have a committee to name a new mascot, if one new dude's opinion is all that will matter?  Is it simply to absolve the named committee members from the backlash?  I would have thought that a committee would narrow down the list to 4, and then conduct additional votes to eliminate them 1x1, until you have a winner.  I get that he is the new President, but the new dude gets to make the final decision?  A CEO would provide more deference to their executive committee, if just starting with a company.
I'm curious to see how much transparency there is to this process. Are we going to see all the names that were considered? Are we going to get any insight as to why some of the more well liked names maybe were eliminated from consideration? Are we going to even see the final 4 list or will we just get a vague email in a few weeks saying here is the final name and here is why it represents Valpo. I appreciate that there is a group of people to help decide this, but I'd like to understand how diverse their opinions on the matter are. Are we getting a 10 person committee that were all happy the Crusader was gone or are we getting some in there that would like to salvage some of the legacy? And does this committee have any guardrails they need to consider (i.e. keeping the Shield as the unifying brand image?).

In the end, I'm somewhat happy there is someone at the top that will make this decision. Otherwise we will get 6 committee members that vote one way, 4 that vote the other and the 4 that don't get their way will complain and claim all sorts of things and cause more drama than its worth. And four choices gives cover to the President that he's not just pitting two sides against each other.


Why shouldn't he have a final say?  He's the boss.  I appreciate that they formed a committee and are at least on the surface saying they will take input/suggestions. 


Yeah I think him saying nope I'll make the final call is good people are going to be pissed no matter what. Remember when they redid the Crusader. People either loved it or HATED it. This type of stuff actually ends up being purely subjective based on what people personally like and then they layer reasonings on over it but it's gonna be mostly whichever one people think looks/sounds the coolest.

All i'd say is I hope they run the name/imagery through maybe some high schoolers or college students to make sure there's nothing unintentionally funny about it.


Is there a place where we will have an opportunity to give our opinion for the new mascot?  I cannot believe that a decision will be made without getting alot of input form alumni, etc.


Quote from: valpo64 on March 04, 2021, 11:32:16 AM
Is there a place where we will have an opportunity to give our opinion for the new mascot?  I cannot believe that a decision will be made without getting alot of input form alumni, etc.

In addition to filling out the correct form I responded to the email where you could see who are the members of the committee as well as respond in more detail.

Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


I finally took the time to look at President Padilla's background and watch his introductory videos, including an especially impressive one on his first day on the job. I'm really glad I did. It has left me with a very favorable first impression and hope for the future of Valparaiso University. I find his unapologic comments about his solid Catholic faith, wanting to pray together as a community, his DePaul background, etc., refreshing. One thing I admire about Catholic universities and hospitals (no, I'm not Catholic) is they don't try to run away from their faith. My wife worked at St. Anthony's Hospital in Crown Point for many years. Everyone is welcome there regardless of race, religion, or whatever. They don't push their faith on anyone, yet they don't hide it or apologize for it. Their crucifixes, statues of Christ and Mary, the stations of the cross, etc. are on full display. They have a public prayer over the PA system every day at noon. They don't operate out of fear that Protestants, Athiests, Muslims, or whomever might feel offended or have a meltdown. They don't acquiesce to the whims of pot stirring employees. They don't apologize for their tough stand on abortion. They don't try to modernize God to remain relevant. I'm hopeful that President Padilla brings some of that spiritual strength of conviction to Valpo. It is sorely needed.


Quote from: wh on March 04, 2021, 12:17:27 PM
I finally took the time to look at President Padilla's background and watch his introductory videos, including an especially impressive one on his first day on the job. I'm really glad I did. It has left me with a very favorable first impression and hope for the future of Valparaiso University. I find his unapologic comments about his solid Catholic faith, wanting to pray together as a community, his DePaul background, etc., refreshing. One thing I admire about Catholic universities and hospitals (no, I'm not Catholic) is they don't try to run away from their faith. My wife worked at St. Anthony's Hospital in Crown Point for many years. Everyone is welcome there regardless of race, religion, or whatever. They don't push their faith on anyone, yet they don't hide it or apologize for it. Their crucifixes, statues of Christ and Mary, the stations of the cross, etc. on on full display. They have a public prayer over the PA system every day at noon. They don't operate out of fear that Protestants, Athiests, Muslims, or whomever might feel offended or have a meltdown. They don't acquiesce to the whims of pot stirring employees. They don't apologize for their tough stand on abortion. They don't try to modernize God to remain relavent. I'm hopeful that President Padilla brings some of that spiritual strength of conviction to Valpo. It is sorely needed.

This is all well and good, but societal stats also indicate that the younger generations are not as tied to religion as prior generations (including myself).  If we go too strong on that side, it is going to severely limit our applicant pool. 
"Don't mess with Texas"


Well, if you don't want the President to make the decision, who will?

To me, it seems pretty obvious that the person that runs the University has the final decision. That's how it should be. It's just like any CEO, you gather information and rely on your board, but ultimately you have to make the important decisions.

I know some people that were familiar with Padilla from his time in Chicago. They all raved about him. And, I agree, his speeches so far were very impressive. Although I personally don't believe he is going to be as strict religiously as hospitals. At an university, you have to be more open-minded. It's more about peddling values, whereas often hospitals tend to pedal religion. I think that's what he will do here


He also is a college sports fan in general from what he's stated and what I've heard and I can't confirm but I believe Athletics now has a direct report to his office which was slightly different than under Heckler who I believe had them go through another position.

Maybe someone who's more connected to those parts of campus though can clarify.



Quote from: Chitwood on March 04, 2021, 01:55:21 PM
I know some people that were familiar with Padilla from his time in Chicago. They all raved about him.
Are you speaking about when he worked for Lori Lightfoot's team?


Quote from: valpopal on March 04, 2021, 02:13:16 PM
Quote from: Chitwood on March 04, 2021, 01:55:21 PM
I know some people that were familiar with Padilla from his time in Chicago. They all raved about him.
Are you speaking about when he worked for Lori Lightfoot's team?

Oh. And here I thought DePaul was in Chicago!
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: crusader05 on March 04, 2021, 02:04:11 PM
He also is a college sports fan in general from what he's stated and what I've heard and I can't confirm but I believe Athletics now has a direct report to his office which was slightly different than under Heckler who I believe had them go through another position.

Maybe someone who's more connected to those parts of campus though can clarify.
The Athletics Department has traditionally been guided by the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, which acts as an intermediary to the president. I served on the committee years ago, and if my memory is correct, it consists of five faculty members (one of whom serves as chair), two students, a vice president, the Athletics Director, a representative of women's athletics, and a compliance officer. In my time, and I believe this has been true since then, most decisions involving athletics were made or ratified by that body.


I found another German mythical animal that sounds better.


The Wolpertinger is a rabbit-like mythical animal. In German the "w" is pronounced like a "v" so it would sound like Valparaiso Volpertinger.


Quote from: bbtds on March 04, 2021, 02:26:12 PMo
Well I don't think we need that 10 person committee anymore. Clearly we have our winner.


If you are referencing Depaul, then yes... But, no idea if Lightfoot is a blue demon fan. I only know that she roots for the White Sox

One of my friends worked under him as a law clerk for a little while. He really liked Padilla


A University President may have the final say on certain matters, but that is only because the board (and probably major donors) grant that authority to him or her. And that degree of authority applies to decisions individually. So if the board decides that they want the final say on the mascot, they will have the final say. My guess is that President Padilla has "final say", but that the board has veto power (which they have for all decisions).


The Valparaiso Lorax ;)
"It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become."
Shine on Vu


With no disrespect to our new President and only to give a jab to Loyola, how about the "95ers"?


But seriously.... how about:

The Campaniles (Kamp-ah-knee-lees)

Campanile:  Bell Tower
                   To highlight the Valpo bell tower in front of the Chapel



Shout out to the region and the flame Lighting the Way concept.  And the great lakes lighthouses.  We also would not have to rebrand the yearbook.

The character could be Lampy... fun when we play oakland again.


My opinion, but if you need a dictionary (campaniles) or knowledge of mythical German creatures, it's probably not a name that will work.

I'd say the same for names that you have to explain the connection to Valpo (Kernels).

Name is not just for the fans and alumni (although it should have the goal of bringing the Valpo community together). This name needs to be used as a marketing and recruitment tool to a broader audience.


Quote from: vuny98 on March 07, 2021, 09:05:21 AM
My opinion, but if you need a dictionary (campaniles) or knowledge of mythical German creatures, it's probably not a name that will work.

I'd say the same for names that you have to explain the connection to Valpo (Kernels).

Name is not just for the fans and alumni (although it should have the goal of bringing the Valpo community together). This name needs to be used as a marketing and recruitment tool to a broader audience.

You ever heard of the Billikens?


80 mythological


Quote from: bbtds on March 08, 2021, 02:47:38 AMBillikens?
I'm not saying that there aren't some crazy and unique names out there. Some of them, like Billikens are over 100 years old, so they are "accepted" now. But to try and rebrand a college mascot, in the age of social media, is a different thing than in 1910 giving the team a nickname and it sticking. Especially for a University that wants to considers itself elite. Again, just my opinion.

Plus lets be honest here, this is that statue at SLU of Billiken. How long do we give it until this is called racist and canceled?