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MBB 2021-2022

Started by wh, June 25, 2021, 04:27:50 AM

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Quote from: valpotx on December 07, 2021, 07:45:37 PM
Quote from: oklahomamick on December 07, 2021, 02:47:26 PM
Don't want to be negative because it seems like a lot of my post are just that.....

But those numbers seem more like the HL when we left, than the MVC that we joined....just saying. 

Great, compare them to the HL now, and be appreciative that we left :)

To your point:
• NET - MVC 12th  HL 28th
• Even with our bad start Valpo's NET is better than 8 of 12 HL teams
• The HL is the poster child for regressive  conference expansion. Compete against 11 teams instead of 9 for 1 tournament bid and split 1 tournament share 12 ways instead of 10.


Oh yeah, HL now is bad....no doubt.  Not comparable.  IUPUI, IPFW and Robert Morris are the additions since we left.  They are looking at Southern Indiana.  Very happy we are not part of that league anymore.  Well said WH good numbers too. 

But the current MVC not much better than what the HL currently was when we left was what I was saying.  Then obviously the peak of the HL when Butler, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland St. were all very good and making NCAAT bids/runs. 


I was told on Wednesday that the university would be announcing a new policy requiring masks at all times on campus, including the December graduations and sporting events, at least through January, and here is the notice:



Good. Omicron is likely to be a factor for all of the teams during the conference season.  Anything that can help keep our players on the floor and fans in the stands is welcome.
Beamin' Beacons


Quote from: humbleopinion on December 17, 2021, 09:05:02 AM
Good. Omicron is likely to be a factor for all of the teams during the conference season.  Anything that can help keep our players on the floor and fans in the stands is welcome.

While I agree with this move, this will be very difficult to enforce. I have been to sporting events with 1,000 people in venues with similar policies and there are usually about 5% who don't follow the policy. You can't really go around and tell them to follow the policy or leave (you could, but it would just not create a very good vibe). Here's to hoping that the vast majority of people respect the policy and that the people who set it did so with the best of intent.


Quote from: vu84v2 on December 17, 2021, 12:39:02 PMand that the people who set it did so with the best of intent.

What?  What kind of "intent"  other than the best might you be inferring?
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


It's how it's implemented and the tolerance for noncompliance. I was involved in college Athletics last year and this year. Some places hope people abide by it and do nothing and some places have people tell you once and if they tell you again then you're out. I agree that it's nice to have it to give us the best chance of keeping a) everyone safe b) players on the court and c) fans in the stand. And if guests of the university don't wear them while on campus, we all know where we're heading.


Quote from: vu72 on December 17, 2021, 01:33:19 PM
Quote from: vu84v2 on December 17, 2021, 12:39:02 PMand that the people who set it did so with the best of intent.

What?  What kind of "intent"  other than the best might you be inferring?

On many topics, there are people who read intentions far differently than the decision-maker(s)' actual intent.


Virus forecasts for the next month suggest it is going to be very difficult everywhere with the spread of Omicron. Loyola and Evansville cancel games due to Covid, disruptions occur in each pro league, as NY Times sports columnist calls for shutting down all sports through to February.





Buckle up. It's going to get worse, much worse, between now and Nov. 8, 2022. There are variants coming that the vaccines we presently have won't protect against. Mail-in voting will be a must.


Quote from: wh on December 18, 2021, 10:15:19 AM
Buckle up. It's going to get worse, much worse, between now and Nov. 8, 2022. There are variants coming that the vaccines we presently have won't protect against. Mail-in voting will be a must.

I thought that the agreement on this forum was that politically-oriented comments would be made in the "General Off Topic" section.


Quote from: wh on December 18, 2021, 10:15:19 AM
Buckle up. It's going to get worse, much worse, between now and Nov. 8, 2022. There are variants coming that the vaccines we presently have won't protect against. Mail-in voting will be a must.

The uncertainties have to be great for ticket sales. I'm sitting on some good tickets for Valley games but I am totally up in the air about Monday and Wednesday. I really want to watch King play from up close and that includes being masked up sitting high in the mezzanine.

Will it happen next week? Who knows?  :'(


Quote from: vu84v2 on December 18, 2021, 12:31:30 PM
Quote from: wh on December 18, 2021, 10:15:19 AM
Buckle up. It's going to get worse, much worse, between now and Nov. 8, 2022. There are variants coming that the vaccines we presently have won't protect against. Mail-in voting will be a must.

I thought that the agreement on this forum was that politically-oriented comments would be made in the "General Off Topic" section.

It was a little lame but he was just trying to be funny. I chuckle at a lot of lame offerings.  ;)  Do I need to take my chuckles to "General Off Topic"?

Just Sayin

This overraction in college baskeball to this virus is just plain stupid. We haven't learned a damn thing.


Quote from: justducky on December 18, 2021, 12:48:57 PM
Quote from: vu84v2 on December 18, 2021, 12:31:30 PM
Quote from: wh on December 18, 2021, 10:15:19 AM
Buckle up. It's going to get worse, much worse, between now and Nov. 8, 2022. There are variants coming that the vaccines we presently have won't protect against. Mail-in voting will be a must.

I thought that the agreement on this forum was that politically-oriented comments would be made in the "General Off Topic" section.

It was a little lame but he was just trying to be funny. I chuckle at a lot of lame offerings.  ;)  Do I need to take my chuckles to "General Off Topic"?

No, of course not. But everything in that comment is politically-oriented. The date. Mail-in voting. The suspicion of conspiracy.


Eron Gordon's GameDay vlog:


Interesting.  I'm wondering about the pre-game meal.  Looks like they were at some restaurant but the choice of food didn't look all that healthy or "pre-game".  No doubt this is part of their scholarship (i.e. no out of pocket for the players) but who picks the place and are they going there because these places are donating the meals?
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on December 20, 2021, 08:32:43 AM
Interesting.  I'm wondering about the pre-game meal.  Looks like they were at some restaurant but the choice of food didn't look all that healthy or "pre-game".  No doubt this is part of their scholarship (i.e. no out of pocket for the players) but who picks the place and are they going there because these places are donating the meals?
I think he said they were at Kelsey's -- the steak house on 30 east of campus.  I wondered about the choice of what looked like pretty heavy food and how many hours before the game that they were eating it.
Beamin' Beacons


This covid thing is getting way out of hand.  Now we have to mask up for games???????  Grow up people....every little bug, sniffle, cough, getting tired, aches or pains means a new virus and so it is time to close things up and wear masks. it is ridiculous.  It is time to grow up and quit making people scared to death.  Forms of the flu and colds have been around for centuries and will continue to exist in the future. We need to relax, enjoy life instead of fearing for our lives.


Quote from: valpo64 on December 20, 2021, 10:15:55 AM
This covid thing is getting way out of hand.  Now we have to mask up for games? ??? ???  Grow up people....every little bug, sniffle, cough, getting tired, aches or pains means a new virus and so it is time to close things up and wear masks. it is ridiculous.  It is time to grow up and quit making people scared to death.  Forms of the flu and colds have been around for centuries and will continue to exist in the future. We need to relax, enjoy life instead of fearing for our lives.

I am pro-mask. I am required to wear one at work and I choose to wear one when shopping at the grocery store, though I curse the Chinese government each time I do. Does it help, I am not certain, but it is a little inconvenience to endure if it does, plus I have family members who are vulnerable due to medical conditions. On the other hand, masking seems inconsistently useful. The university is requiring masks at basketball games to abide by campus-wide guidelines. However, how will masks work at games if people are buying drinks and food at concession stands? How diligent will everyone be and who is going to monitor compliance? Similarly, students must wear masks at all gatherings around campus except in the dining halls, where they eat and socialize without any mask daily.

By the way, masking and other measures will become even more rigid in the next month or so, as Indiana medical officials now predict the state will experience a record tsunami of cases by mid-January, just in time for the spring semester, which will put the remote learning possibility back on the table.


I am max-vaxed and still plan on attending tonight (Eastern Michigan) or Wed (William and Mary). I don't care if they chain me in isolation to the top row of mezzanine while triple masked. I just want to watch some basketball.


If everyone were vaccinated, no one would need to "mask up." Right, wrong, or indifferent, that's not the case. While it's true that even vaccinated people are getting COVID, would they be getting it at the same rate if not for 40-50% of the population that are not vaccinated spreading it like wildfire? Probably not. While it's none of my business what anyone else does, I have very little patience for anyone telling me I need to mask up when I'm no longer contributing to the problem.

Just Sayin

QuoteLatest CDC data by vaccine status:

Unvaccinated: 451 cases per 100k
Vaccinated: 134 cases per 100k
Boosted: 48 cases per 100k

Unvaccinated: 6.1 deaths per 100k
Vaccinated: 0.5 deaths per 100k
Boosted: 0.1 deaths per 100k

Assuming the data hasn't been politicized, it's pretty clear that the vaccines are helping. More cases are coming from the unvaccinated and unboosted, fewer deaths are occuring from the vaccinated and boosted.

I have chosen to be vaccinated. I listened to my doc.

But everyone should look at the data themselves, talk with their doc, and make their own decision. This should not be mandated by the government. So I support those who have not decided to be vaccinated for whatever reasons they may have. Their body, their choice.

Mask don't work. The liberal scientist worshipped by the left, Dr. Fauci, said early on in the pandemic that masks don't work. But then he changed his mind and has been dead wrong on so many things. (It wasn't because the science on masks changed, it was political). People are more skeptical of the government figures and data because the goal posts keep changing. And the skepticism is warranted given the roller-coaster contradicting edicts coming out of Washington. It's sad that science itself has become political. But this is where we are in the world so dominated by woke culture.


Quote from: Just Sayin on December 20, 2021, 01:05:12 PMSo I support those who have not decided to be vaccinated for whatever reasons they may have. Their body, their choice.

Pretty dumb stuff really.  The unvaccinated are the ones allowing their bodies to host mutations which affect all us us.  The hospitals are going to be overrun by unvaccinated. "Their choice" is driving healthcare workers out of the profession through sheer exhaustion. It doesn't just affect them it impacts and could kill any of us, particularly if the next variation avoids the vaccines and we all shut down again or maybe just die.  The government has just as much right to mandate vaccinations as it does to require people to drive on the right side of the road or not to speed through school zones.  It isn't "their choice" when "their choice" affects other people.  This isn't "just another flu". 800,000 plus have died.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015

Just Sayin

Why should anyone who has been fully vaccinated be fearful of being around anyone who is unvaccinated?