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What will the Lottich spin be for losing to Chicago State?

Started by tiny707, November 16, 2022, 09:03:40 PM

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1.) CS shot over 70% from the field and 3pt in first half.
2.) They only missed one free throw.
3.) We played better in the second half.
4.) Green fouled out.
5.) CS is a much better team than past teams.
6.) It was a road game and long drive.


"Well obviously they're a really good team over there and shot the ball incredibly well. When you play against a team like that that shoots the ball that well you're not going to win a lot of games. We obviously just didn't make shots and we definitely had our opportunities. We just didn't make the most of them and the game got away from us. We're a young team though and we'll learn and grow from this and get better as the season goes on. I think we're going to be a really good team by the time we get to MVC play and really be a lot of trouble for anyone at that time."

I don't know something like this? All fluff. All BS. No substance. No truth. No accountability. Same Lottich. Rinse and repeat.


I actually went to their roster, to see why it appeared that all but 1 player were a Guard, after looking at the box score.  New coach that was at a top 10 AAU program, transfers that actually got good minutes at USC/Dayton and Samford (national top 60 recruit out of HS), and a bunch of young guys.  We still shouldn't lose to Chicago State, but I will be watching to see what they do over the rest of the season.
"Don't mess with Texas"


"We didn't make the necessary plays and lacked intensity early. I thought we showed fire late, however it was too much too late. They hit their shots and I thought our execution on defense made it too easy. We'll just have to go back to fundamentals and focus more."


Whatever happens with CSU the rest of this season...they are a D-I independent this year. The only guess I have, since I haven't listened to The Victory Bell Non-Conference Schedule Podcast yet, is just to help them get a game, since we were close, and could save money on a game we didn't have to stay at a hotel for, could leave early in the day for shootaround, and didn't have to miss so much class time to travel about an hour away.


Long story short, this program is screwed. I'm a young dude who has been a fan since middle school. Talked to some Vu players tonight, none of them respect lottich. We HAVE TO fire him if we want change. I'll leave it at that. The stuff I heard...there's no hope.



Quote from: AlecPeters101 on November 20, 2022, 03:01:04 AM
Long story short, this program is screwed. I'm a young dude who has been a fan since middle school. Talked to some Vu players tonight, none of them respect lottich. We HAVE TO fire him if we want change. I'll leave it at that. The stuff I heard...there's no hope.

If "none" respect Lottich then why did they stay?
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: AlecPeters101 on November 20, 2022, 03:01:04 AMLong story short, this program is screwed. I'm a young dude who has been a fan since middle school. Talked to some Vu players tonight, none of them respect lottich. We HAVE TO fire him if we want change. I'll leave it at that. The stuff I heard...there's no hope.
Oh good. Mr Hearing Stuff has returned.

I'll save you the trouble....I know I know that you don't care if no one believes you....etc. etc. Rinse repeat.


Quote from: AlecPeters101 on November 20, 2022, 01:41:58 PMJD buddy you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not blowing smoke out my ass. I'm in my 20's, you don't think I talk to these dudes? 😂
Do all 20 year olds talk to each other? What does that have to do with anything?


Quote from: AlecPeters101 on November 20, 2022, 03:34:27 PM
No but the fact that these players are my peers should make me being around them believable

Quote from: truth219 on November 20, 2022, 03:39:45 PM
What did you hear?

Based on viewing his coaching and results many of us have already concluded his days are numbered. I don't really want to know more than that so why don't you take his shortcoming or transgression details private using PM personal messaging? I just see no need for us to pile on.


Quote from: AlecPeters101 on November 20, 2022, 03:01:04 AM
Long story short, this program is screwed. I'm a young dude who has been a fan since middle school. Talked to some Vu players tonight, none of them respect lottich. We HAVE TO fire him if we want change. I'll leave it at that. The stuff I heard...there's no hope.

I don't think this is completely off base. I've heard things that make me believe this.
I believe that we will win.


Talk is cheap!  These types of comments have no place on this forum.  Your comments absolutely have no place here and do not help our MBB program, including players, coaches and fans.


IMO - it is applicable to the forum. It gives insight into the climate of the program and solidifies what others on this forum are speculating.  Some of you are so harsh on those who know inside information and just choose to share the general sentiment without details.  He said he is friends with some of the guys.  They talk.  You act as if there aren't kids from the community who aren't close to some of the players.    Posting the details of the conversation would be crossing the line on the forum.


Quote from: vok22 on November 21, 2022, 09:15:09 AMIdk why people are shocked that these things would be said though. It's pretty obvious just looking at the team from the outside.

Why would I be shocked?  I don't know, maybe because Ben, Kobe, Darious, Preston, Cam, Joe, Emil, Connor and Luke, all knew about this stuff from last year and chose to come back? Or maybe guys like Max heard about it (you know, 18-20 year olds talk!) and still chose to come in or perhaps because guys like Quinton or Nick chose to spend there final year of eligibility playing for a coach that nobody respects?  I certainly wouldn't want to speak to any of the current players if I was going to commit to playing for a coach who nobody respects, now would I???  :crazy:
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


So, you heard and know firsthand of players thoughts and opinions, etc.  You are taking cheap shots that are personally destructive and damaging to players and coaches.  If you know it all and you pride yourself in this cheap talk, then give us the facts and enough of your teasing comments that appear to be childlike.  If you had the good of the team including players and coaches, and the University in mind you would keep your "guess what I know, and you don't" comments to yourself.  Grow up and start being respectful to all parties involved.  We can be critical, but let's not lose one's own reputation and make damaging comments to the program.  This cheap talk is getting old as far as I am concerned.


So if we get the explicit facts rather than sources, are we good on this forum?
My problem with the board at times Is the feeling that's it's fine to be average and celebrating that. I'm not saying we become Duke or Kentucky, but aspiring to be middle of the pack in the MVC or not playing a tournament play in game is not a lofty enough goal.


I think saying we're an average basketball team would be a stretch. Obviously the sample size is small, but our first handful of games have been hard to watch


Valpo is below par, however they will put on a spin taking about what a successful season this is, and the sad part is that many of the higher ups in the Valpo executive level will buy into it.


I dont believe the statement is beneficial obviously but not sure  about the backlash? What is "screwed?" Are we screwed if we keep Lottich? Are we screwed if we fire him? Are we already screwed for this season or is it still salvagable? Its a loaded and ambiguous statement that can fit any narrative.  Guess its weird some people take offense to seeing/hearing this? I feel this stuff was commonplace on message boards back in the 90s-00s when this was "social media." Now there's facebook, IG, tik tok, twitter, snapchat and other forums statements or comments are being made. I dont know whether a player returning is indicative that they support the coach. Theres many reasons they could stay and Im sure they got recruited for a totality/well rounded/life after basketball philosophy where they may want that degree from Valpo. At the end of the day, everyone liked Valpo and supported the coach who recruited them when they came here, and playing D1 (for free) at such a solid level is something few people get to experience. You develop other areas of your life that may have just as much impact in your decision making as well. Maybe that relationship with the coach soured and maybe not. Losing is no fun and losing for multiple years takes a toll on one's demeanor. Its hard when you sacrifice and dont meet the goals youre dreaming of or believing are capable. Being upset is a good thing because apathy is the only alternative option at this point. Good thing about bball season is you only have to wait a few days until the next game and find something new to discuss.


It is not uncommon to dislike or not trust your college coach, so it would not surprise me if a few folks have things to stay.  We had the same thing when I was playing, in that many Baseball players (even some of our top players) would say things about Coach Twenge, but they all stayed and played for 4 years?  You're talking about 18-22 year old kids here.  If you catch them at the wrong moment, you will hear a lot...but they stay.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Valpotx - very well said. 18-22 year old don't have the social and in many cases the coping skills. Coping through a season is challenging like many things in life, and reactions and expressions. We are not robots.


30 point blowout to Samford. The team looked unmotivated and played without a plan.

This isn't about wins and loses anymore. It's about a coach who is failing to do the basic parts of his job. He's lost his team. He needs to go.
I believe that we will win.


Quote from: mj on November 23, 2022, 04:12:17 PM
30 point blowout to Samford. The team looked unmotivated and played without a plan.

This isn't about wins and loses anymore. It's about a coach who is failing to do the basic parts of his job. He's lost his team. He needs to go.

Mj, succinct and well stated.  I did not watch, but I followed on LiveStat. It's interesting how the LiveStat black & white data almost provides a running analysis as the game progresses. 

Random thoughts as I sporadically checked in on the score:

* From the tip-off, it appears that VU has never been coached to defend the 3pt arc.  Through the first 10 minutes or so Samford shot 75% on a bunch of chucks. Don't know if our 3ptrs were challenged but we shot not good there.
* Our response to a growing lead by SU was 0.00% 3 pters, few rebounds (I think zero ORs ), and we allowed chippy layups.
* Can't comment on any turnovers, but lost quite a few. Our fault or did their defense cause them? Don't know.
* So what does this game say about our defensive game plan?  What major asset are we taking away from their offense?  Ah, the midrange jumper!  ................ nah, they hit those too.
* Second half. They have doubled our score. Of course, we go to our slow-the-game-down strategy, play glue-like defense and work to always get good %age shots as we focus on crashing the boards at both ends.  But as they say here in Wisconsin: "er, no."  It seemed that almost every LiveState line was VAL ______ missed 3ptr, SAM Defensive RB.
* Last 6 minutes, down by closer to 30 than 20. Of course, knowing we are out of it, let's at least use the moment as a coaching/learning moment.  Forget about the score. Be disciplined. Run our offensive sets (assuming we have those), work to get the ball in the paint and look for the kick-out mid range jumper. Let's see which bench players can defend. Hold your defensive shape. Make their subs work for every basket.
* Er no.