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MBB Home Ticket Prices

Started by Dr. T, February 02, 2023, 03:38:55 PM

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Should the cheapest MBB tickets, given the attendance thus far this season, be $16.50 (including fees)?

1 (16.7%)
5 (83.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Dr. T

I'm curious to know what your collective thoughts are here. I ask because of the promotional email I received concerning Saturday's game v. Drake:

The Indiana Pacers Power Pack Dunk Squad will provide halftime entertainment during the men's basketball game vs. Drake on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Athletics-Recreation Center.

The Power Pack powered by AES Indiana are high-energy dunkers who entertain fans on game night. They can spring off a trampoline and their acrobatic dunks are a fan favorite.

While I'd likely find this enjoyable, is it worth $15 + fees for a ticket?...


why would you pay fees? Cant you buy at the game? Don't be a victim of Ticketbastard!


Quote from: Dr. T on February 02, 2023, 03:38:55 PM
I'm curious to know what your collective thoughts are here. I ask because of the promotional email I received concerning Saturday's game v. Drake:

The Indiana Pacers Power Pack Dunk Squad will provide halftime entertainment during the men's basketball game vs. Drake on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Athletics-Recreation Center.

The Power Pack powered by AES Indiana are high-energy dunkers who entertain fans on game night. They can spring off a trampoline and their acrobatic dunks are a fan favorite.

While I'd likely find this enjoyable, is it worth $15 + fees for a ticket?...

You think that's bad, between COVID and apathy I've tossed out half of my season tickets. That doubled my cost per game attended. Unless something changes that gives me renewed hope, I'll likely just purchase game tickets at the door next year. I don't recall when we started purchasing season tickets, but it's somewhere between 25 and 30 years ago.


This game is bring sold as a "premium" game. Chairbacks are $35 and and GA is higher. 

I commend the marketing dept for this price strategy.  Makes complete sense.... :lol:

Dr. T

I, too, was a season ticket holder. I had (2) tickets and then (4) tickets. When the pandemic hit, it allowed me to reevaluate my priorities. When we could attend games again, I would renew my season tickets but would go back to (2) tickets. Why? Because I had an increasingly difficult time giving the other two tickets away to friends, family, etc. - I even resorted to Facebook open invites for some games. Others ended up not being used. I could not justify wasteful spending any longer.

I have yet to renew since then. And I've only been to a few games. I do pay for ESPN+. So, I watch available games from home. I can only justify investing more money into the program if/when a coaching change is made. I've stopped annual giving as well. These are just my personal feelings & choices. I respect those who can continue supporting the program in the interim.


Quote from: Dr. T on February 03, 2023, 01:22:38 PM
I, too, was a season ticket holder. I had (2) tickets and then (4) tickets. When the pandemic hit, it allowed me to reevaluate my priorities. When we could attend games again, I would renew my season tickets but would go back to (2) tickets. Why? Because I had an increasingly difficult time giving the other two tickets away to friends, family, etc. - I even resorted to Facebook open invites for some games. Others ended up not being used. I could not justify wasteful spending any longer.

I have yet to renew since then. And I've only been to a few games. I do pay for ESPN+. So, I watch available games from home. I can only justify investing more money into the program if/when a coaching change is made. I've stopped annual giving as well. These are just my personal feelings & choices. I respect those who can continue supporting the program in the interim.

Do you support The Victory Bell? That's the important question. 


Quote from: Dr. T on February 03, 2023, 01:22:38 PM
I, too, was a season ticket holder. I had (2) tickets and then (4) tickets. When the pandemic hit, it allowed me to reevaluate my priorities. When we could attend games again, I would renew my season tickets but would go back to (2) tickets. Why? Because I had an increasingly difficult time giving the other two tickets away to friends, family, etc. - I even resorted to Facebook open invites for some games. Others ended up not being used. I could not justify wasteful spending any longer.

I have yet to renew since then. And I've only been to a few games. I do pay for ESPN+. So, I watch available games from home. I can only justify investing more money into the program if/when a coaching change is made. I've stopped annual giving as well. These are just my personal feelings & choices. I respect those who can continue supporting the program in the interim.

This seems to be the attitude of many on the board. Basically, I read posts that malign the school for not spending more on the program or not buying out the coach's contract while the poster chooses not to support the program financially. I guess the notion is that there are big donors who will step in to provide any funding necessary. 

I choose to contribute to the program beyond buying my season tickets.  I find it a bit ironic that my donation helps to provide a salary for a coach (any coach) that is multiple times higher than any salary that I have ever earned, but I want to do my part to ensure that the program has resources. I just hope that many other fans choose to do their part to help out and the total of the many more-modest contributions will provide a lift financially.
Beamin' Beacons


I looked online and saw that it costs $10 to go to a GW game in DC. Tickets to Valpo games should be between $5-10 to get people in the door.
I believe that we will win.

Dr. T

Solid take, humbeopinion.

Personally, it eventually becomes a matter of ROI for me. What's my return on investment? Personally, I got to the point where it felt like enabling. And, I cannot - in good faith - give money to something or someone whom I feel I'm enabling.

I doubt many "big donors" continue doing so if they feel like there's no ROI for them any longer. Granted, I doubt I'd be considered a "big donor," but these folks are often wise stewards of their funds.

This seems to be the attitude of many on the board. Basically, I read posts that malign the school for not spending more on the program or not buying out the coach's contract while the poster chooses not to support the program financially. I guess the notion is that there are big donors who will step in to provide any funding necessary.

I choose to contribute to the program beyond buying my season tickets.  I find it a bit ironic that my donation helps to provide a salary for a coach (any coach) that is multiple times higher than any salary that I have ever earned, but I want to do my part to ensure that the program has resources. I just hope that many other fans choose to do their part to help out and the total of the many more-modest contributions will provide a lift financially.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 08:12:45 AM by humbleopinion »


The school. Is strapped for cash, why did they have  the $250M fundraiser in the first place?


I don't know how much truth there is to these stories but I heard the is selling art from the Brauer Museum and even selling Christopher Portrait (I couldn't confirm this one) to pay for upgrades to the freshman residence halls (which I could say as someone who lived there more than a decade ago, it badly needed a face lift back then).

It sounds like the proceeds won't go towards operating expense according the article. The school needs to make significant investments in order to attract potential future students and remain competitive.

I personally think it's a wise business decision. I appreciate art, but I'm concerned about the well being of the schools future as opposed to art pieces that a very slim # of people view each year. Sacrifices need to be made for the greater good.



Wow, there are alot of posters on our board that really know alot about alot of things...at least they think so.


Quote from: usc4valpo on February 10, 2023, 05:31:20 PM
The school. Is strapped for cash, why did they have  the $250M fundraiser in the first place?

Is this a serious question?  Let me try to help here.  The "Fundraiser" was to build the endowment. The endowment provides income on a continuing basis FOREVER.  It is not meant as a stop gap immediate need basis drive.  That is The Valpo Fund.  So the endowment provides future revenues for SPECIFIC purposes--like scholarships or endowed faculty etc.  The daily expenses of keeping the lights on is mainly driven by tuition. Student numbers are down and thus, so is money needed to fund day to day operations.  Without the endowment, those scholarships or faculty salaries or basketball recruiting supported by the endowed funds, must come out of tuition money and there just isn't enough of those right now.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


so the endowment is a rainy day fund when times are bad and tuition cant cover expenses?