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WBB vs. #10 Green Bay - 3/7/12 - HL Quarterfinals

Started by KL31NY, March 07, 2012, 05:42:25 PM

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If it's any consolation, there's still a chance for a Valpo basketball team to win a conference tournament title...

Valpo WBB hoping to upset #10 Green Bay (No. 1 seed in the tourney) and ruin the HL's plans of keeping the tournament in "Titletown" through the weekend. Phoenix swept the regular season series, allowing only 73 total Crusader points over two games.

Win or go home again for the Crusaders. Hope it's a good game to watch.
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


Best of luck to them. Win or lose, these Ladies can hold their head up, and take pride in the way they battled this season. Through all of the adversity, they never gave up. If heart and grit were automatic W's, this group would be undefeated.
Give them Heck ladies!!


Thanks for the effort Ladies. I hope we can get you some help next year, in all respects.
We hung with them as long as we could. At the end of the day, you only have 7 players, and if you don't get them rotated in to help your starters out, fatigue will eventually set in, and you don't stand a chance, no matter who you play. We're playing one of the toughest, pressure D's in the country. In the second half, we played them 13 minutes before giving any of them a break. I guess we were waiting for puke to convince us they were spent. It was a tall, tall order to pull out the W, but we could have kept it closer if we would have subbed properly. I don't understand it. Carr probably had less then 10 minutes and Jansone 3 or so? Gerardot got her fist blow with 1:20 left in the game. Does this make any sense to anyone?? When you're getting pressed with the "Buzz' as they call it, you need your best ball handlers on the floor. Never, not once, did we have all our best ball handlers out there. They scored 45 points off of turnovers. 45! - We scored 5. Our girls were not only worn out physically, but they were beat down mentally as well.
Thank God this season is over. Thanks again Ladies for you no quit attitude and grit. You deserved better then the hand you were dealt this season. Get rested and healed. I wish Varner and Timmerman all the best, wherever life takes them. They'll take the lessons from their experiences at Valpo U with them, and be better people for it.


Good luck to the Seniors. This was a dedicated, hard working bunch and it's unfortunate what happened this season. Learn from it and hopefully there will be an influx of new talent and some healthy bodies next fall. And, if there's this much hard work and play going on at the end of a season, including a tourney win, the coaches might be doing a decent job of motivating and still coaching too.
"Christmas is for presents, March is for Championships." Denny Crum