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Detroit Shirt for 2/16/12?

Started by MattCarter, August 29, 2012, 09:35:24 PM

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Would you pay $10 for one of these shirts if I got em made?

6 (42.9%)
8 (57.1%)

Total Members Voted: 14


Ok so I saw Paul Oren jokingly say we should have "219" shirts for the Detroit games.

I really think its an excellent idea.  So I made a mock up and threw it on my twitter today.

I have a feeling that the school might not really wanna do it, but if enough people are interested heck I'd get em done.

Maybe a gold shirt with brown letters


For those of you new to Crusader Nation or perhaps forgetful...here is what the Titan fans left us last year....
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


Love it! If the school played that tasteless Butler shirt last year this one should have no trouble.


Sure.  Let's lower ourselves to their level.

Might be an over-reaction on my part, but that's my gut reaction.  I'd settle for packing the place and making a lot of noise.  Seeing a bunch of T-shirts and a bunch of empty seats will be a downer.


Quote from: StlVUFan on August 29, 2012, 10:55:31 PMSure.  Let's lower ourselves to their level. Might be an over-reaction on my part, but that's my gut reaction.  I'd settle for packing the place and making a lot of noise.  Seeing a bunch of T-shirts and a bunch of empty seats will be a downer.
one question.  did you buy the Butler shirt last year?
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


I agree with StlVUFan; let's do our talking with actions on the court.  (And, no, I did not buy a Butler T-shirt.)


The shirt is fun. I think we should do it.
That's how rivalries are built, in part.



The design is simple which is what makes it great.


Quote from: elephtheria47 on August 30, 2012, 05:16:06 PM
Good Idea.

Bad design.

Agreed. Give it some little sort of tweak design-wise.


Quote from: milldew72 on August 31, 2012, 10:18:36 AM
Quote from: elephtheria47 on August 30, 2012, 05:16:06 PMGood Idea. Bad design.
Agreed. Give it some little sort of tweak design-wise.
I am not a graphic designer :)  I can cut a mean flat top, though...  If anyone else can do better go for it, I just used a quick online site.
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


Quote from: MattCarter on August 29, 2012, 11:54:33 PM
Quote from: StlVUFan on August 29, 2012, 10:55:31 PMSure.  Let's lower ourselves to their level. Might be an over-reaction on my part, but that's my gut reaction.  I'd settle for packing the place and making a lot of noise.  Seeing a bunch of T-shirts and a bunch of empty seats will be a downer.
one question.  did you buy the Butler shirt last year?




I really don't see how this is tasteless. I think it's a pretty solid way to point out Detroit fair weather fans' douchebaggery and at the same time educate your own students on the "rivalry."


Quote from: blackpantheruwm on September 03, 2012, 11:22:10 AMdouchebaggery

one of my favorite words to describe the shenanigans their fans did around valpo after the game that night. actually, just a good word in general - i highly enjoy using it, and i applaud you for doing so. :clap:  :thumbsup:


Quote from: valpo64 on September 03, 2012, 08:26:09 AMIt's a tasteless, bad idea!
Wow.  Really?  How so?  Its an area code and a hash tag...how is that tasteless?  Tasteless would be something like "#DunkOnThis" and still wouldn't be as bad as last year's Butler shirt.  And yeah I bought it and wore it that one game...now I mow the lawn in it.
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


Quote from: MattCarter on September 05, 2012, 12:47:00 PM
Quote from: valpo64 on September 03, 2012, 08:26:09 AMIt's a tasteless, bad idea!
Wow.  Really?  How so?  Its an area code and a hash tag...how is that tasteless?  Tasteless would be something like "#DunkOnThis" and still wouldn't be as bad as last year's Butler shirt.  And yeah I bought it and wore it that one game...now I mow the lawn in it.

Tasteless would be our students returning the favor and graffiting Detroit homes and street signs.  Of course that would never have its intended effect anyway.  Some misguided soul from the Detroit Mayor's office would undoubtedly label it as "urban art" and give it a participation award.  ;)


Quote from: blackpantheruwm on September 03, 2012, 11:22:10 AM
I really don't see how this is tasteless. I think it's a pretty solid way to point out Detroit fair weather fans' douchebaggery and at the same time educate your own students on the "rivalry."
Oh, I don't think it's a horrible idea.  I don't think wearing the T-shirt is equivalent to vandalizing the outside of neighborhood houses.

But the connection between the two *is* obvious.  There are any number of interpretations open to outsiders: (1) a promise to do the same when Valpo visits Detroit, (2) believe it or not, a message that what happened last year is actually okay by making light of it on a T-shirt (sub-text: "Game on!"), (3) presumably the desired interpretation: "what some of you did last year was wrong and you should feel guilty about it".  There may be other possible interpretations.

I don't preclude the idea of changing my mind, but for the time being, no, I am not interested in buying or wearing that T-shirt.  A season-and-tournament sweep, each game by 20+ points is plenty for me.

As a matter of fact, I touched on my feelings about the game itself and the stupid exclamation point by the coach's son, now that I think about it: http://www.midmajority.com/p/2847

I'm looking for a beatdown on the court.  What T-shirt fans are wearing is not likely to have any effect on the Titan players, and I'm not at all sure the impact on Detroit fans will be pleasant, and I don't even know what that could mean.

Sorry, I'm out.  I don't have any reason to believe that it would turn out badly, but I don't feel comfortable believing that it won't.


Matt wouldn't respond like this I don't think so I will do it for him. 1) seriously? 2) no, really you can't be serious? 3) you are joking right?
The shirt isn't a shot at their players or to make some fans feel bad or to be seen as a threat. The only 2 people that feel that way must be posters on this board. It's a way to get our fans/students charged up and excited with translates into an amazing atmosphere in the ARC. We don't hate their players, we migt think Jr is immature and that the coach is a tool but we respect their talents as a team. No normal fan of either school can find this idea offensive or threatening.


Quote from: StlVUFan on September 05, 2012, 09:58:29 PMSorry, I'm out.  I don't have any reason to believe that it would turn out badly, but I don't feel comfortable believing that it won't.
And that is totally cool.  Just trying to have some fun.  If you didn't buy the Butler shirt, I can totally see why this wouldn't be your thing and that is cool.   ;D Go Valpo!
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


Just so the people who think they are speaking for the majority know it's not my thing either and it depresses me that VU fans think this is the correct thing to do to have fun. If you feel that is what you must do go for it. I'm with StlVUFan on this one.
"We must stand aside from the world's conspiracy of fear and hate and grasp once more the great monosyllables of life: faith, hope, and love. Men must live by these if they live at all under the crushing weight of history." Otto Paul "John" Kretzmann


Quote from: sectionee on September 05, 2012, 10:16:26 PM
Matt wouldn't respond like this I don't think so I will do it for him. 1) seriously? 2) no, really you can't be serious? 3) you are joking right?
The shirt isn't a shot at their players or to make some fans feel bad or to be seen as a threat. The only 2 people that feel that way must be posters on this board. It's a way to get our fans/students charged up and excited with translates into an amazing atmosphere in the ARC. We don't hate their players, we migt think Jr is immature and that the coach is a tool but we respect their talents as a team. No normal fan of either school can find this idea offensive or threatening.
People have gone broke predicting how others will interpret their actions.  And yes, I am very serious about each of those 3 reactions being possible.  I've never lived in Detroit, I still have no flippin' idea what motivates someone to go spray paint a bunch of houses, how am I supposed to know how they will react to the T-shirt?  What happens if a Titan fan comes up and asks what it's about?  Voila, the discussion that you aren't seeking is created.

Actually, I think option 2 is *quite* likely.  Again, the connection is *obvious*.  Every Titan fan who was here in March will understand the reference.  Option 3 is also quite possible.  Option 1 is less likely in my estimation, mainly because I suspect they won't think our fans have it in them to retaliate that way.

By the way, you should read my post again.  Nowhere did I speculate on what *your* motivations are for buying and wearing the T-shirt.  I was speculating on what *their* reaction would be.

Also, I reiterate my opening sentence: "Oh, I don't think it's a horrible idea.  I don't think wearing the T-shirt is equivalent to vandalizing the outside of neighborhood houses."

I'm not predicting bad things will happen.  I sincerely hope they take it exactly the way you mean it.

I understand it's meant only for our fans, to give them a reason to get loud during the game.  I hope it works.  Not sure it will, and there's still a sliver of negative connotation associated with it, drawing as it does upon an act of vandalism.