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Valpo vs Drake

Started by covufan, October 09, 2012, 04:11:53 PM

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I listened to the game on WAKE as well.  What you see on tracker is pretty much what happened.  They ran A LOT.  I loved it.  The PXP and Color (actually Oren) made constant remarks about the ground game.  Some stupid penalties and that KO return sunk them.  Except for those this was a close game.


I give credit to Crusaders where due today.    They stayed within 21-14 through nearly 3 quarters.   That is major progress and I think I heard from other posters that Drake is tough. 

Anyway, I'm glad to have been wrong about the loss by 40 points!!

It's too bad we gave up the KO return.   Because obviously we struggle to match the plays run from scrimmage already.


I was listening to part of the game on the Web from WAKE and it seems every time Valpo does something exciting, Iclow overreacts and there is some technical difficulty.  It is actually pretty entertaining.

Attendance was about 1200.  My guess was a little high.


Yeah, every time the PxP guy raised his voice about an exciting play, the sound crashed.


Drake had beaten San Diego 38-10 on the previous week.......so perhaps best team of all we've played?     
Drake, Butler, and Jacksonville are all 3-0.    San Diego and Dayton 2-1.
Campbell, Morehead, VU, and Davidson are all 0-3.   Haves and have-nots.   


Quote from: milanmiracle on October 13, 2012, 10:09:51 AM
Quote from: covufan on October 12, 2012, 05:59:29 PM
Quote from: crusadermoe on October 12, 2012, 04:24:14 PM
Yeah, Drake by about 40.     

For attendance I will take the "under" and I mean "under" 400 counting the band and the parents.     Why guess 1800?   Have CO Fan and others been to any 2012 games?
No, I have not been to any games.  However, the posted attendance for home games this season are all much higher than 1800: 3848 for St. Joe, 2177 for Duquesne, and 3676 for Butler (Homecoming).  Last year also saw some good attendance for opening game and homecoming, but tapered off after that. 

You could knock me over with a feather if those are true attendance numbers

Have no idea if they are true, guesses or what.  The Drake game, with rain and cooler temperatures, was 1189.  For those that attended both Butler and Drake, was the attendance for Drake about 1/3 of Butler?


Valpo ran the ball really well against Drake, they even ran the ball well against Butler. Here are the rushing stats for each game

St. Joe - 35 for 129 yds
YSU - 25 for 47 yds
Duq - 30 for 67 yds
SD - 17 for 34 yds
But - 40 for 112 yds
Dra - 41 for 162 yds

You see once Valpo has around 35 to 40 rushes a game, they get atleast 100 yards. We had to run the ball against Drake, because it was going to be hard to throw the ball around in that weather we had Saturday. It would be nice to see Valpo have more balance in the offense. Jake Hutson has been running the ball really well and hopefully Ali-El isn't hurt too much longer.

It was nice to be competitive against Drake, but that doesn't mean Valpo is going to turn things around just yet. They still need more consistency. They need to beat Dayton or atleast keep it close. If they get blown out, its back to square one.


"They still need more consistency. They need to beat Dayton or at least keep it close. If they get blown out, its back to square one."

Welcome Luke.  Yup, I think that's the general consensus on this board. That thread is carried through of Football 2012 too. Hoping for competitiveness in very game left this season.

Thanks for the rushing stats.  Didn't realize there were so many carries v. Butler.  Apparently V. Drake they were able to cobble a few rushes together to allow for some ball control and clock management that was not accomplished against Butler judging from thescores.


Let's be realistic, 62. Less turnovers means your defense is on the field a lot less. If your runners hold onto the ball and you don't throw interceptions the opposition won't score as much. Especially when it doesn't matter how far the opponent has to go to the end zone they still score within 2 plays.

Against Butler we fumbled on the first play from scrimmage around the Valpo 10 and it took the Bulldogs 2 plays to score. On the next possession we fumbled within the first 3 plays (I can't remember exactly) from around the Valpo 40 and it took Butler 2 plays to score.

Against Drake we held the ball better and they still managed to score on the opening kickoff return.

If Valpo just comes out ready to play it seems that is half the battle to win games.
"We must stand aside from the world's conspiracy of fear and hate and grasp once more the great monosyllables of life: faith, hope, and love. Men must live by these if they live at all under the crushing weight of history." Otto Paul "John" Kretzmann


Can't argue with you on that.  Tough digging out of 14 and 7 point holes after only 2 minutes of play.  Seems like in almost every game, something weird happens very early that derails the positive vibes. Even if you discount the two quick fumbles, the roof caved in vs. Butler in the first half and that, to me, was a bit different that against Drake, where they seemed to hold onto rtha ball on the ground a lot better than previously.