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Do you like this new site? Poll is created on Feb 20, 2024


Question A Poll: Do you like this site?

26 Posts
7 Users
6 Reactions
Posts: 377
Junior Varsity

@valpo04 👍 Wow! The specificity of the links is even better than I'd hoped. Thanks.

Posted : 03/02/2024 4:26 PM
Posts: 429
Junior Varsity


Posted : 03/02/2024 4:36 PM
Posts: 429
Junior Varsity

04, How long will the closed down old Valpo Forum be available?  My reason for asking is that currently, I am keeping both the old and new on my favorites bar. I’d like to always have the old forum around for reference and historical purposes/perspectives even if it is totally locked down and allowing only read only.  It appears that attaching stuff (e.g., like a screen shot of an old post) is much easier in the new forum, so that’ll be helpful.  BTW, has the file size for attachments improved?

Posted : 03/02/2024 5:16 PM
Posts: 1109

@vulb62 To piggy back on this, is it possible to send all of the old forum content to an archive on this site? Just so people can have the history and references?

Posted : 03/02/2024 5:18 PM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

Posted by: @vulb62

04, How long will the closed down old Valpo Forum be available?  My reason for asking is that currently, I am keeping both the old and new on my favorites bar. I’d like to always have the old forum around for reference and historical purposes/perspectives even if it is totally locked down and allowing only read only.  It appears that attaching stuff (e.g., like a screen shot of an old post) is much easier in the new forum, so that’ll be helpful.  BTW, has the file size for attachments improved?


@vulb62 I can’t say for sure what will happen with the old site. I do intend to make it read only by the end of the month. Beyond that, I’ll keep it alive as long as I can, but it’s old code, running on old php that will be updated by my host at some point, breaking a lot of the code. 

I do intend to try and explore exporting out the contents somehow, but that will likely be beyond my level of expertise. But I’ll try! It is a ton of data, so it’s going to be a pretty big undertaking, even if I can figure out a solution.  


Currently, the max file size for attachments is set at 250mb. 


Posted : 03/02/2024 6:10 PM
Posts: 1109

@valpo04 How do you have the old data being saved if you don't mind my asking? I would try and see if you could make a read-only directory of this site and just call it "archive".

Posted : 03/02/2024 6:30 PM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

Posted by: @rezynezy

@valpo04 How do you have the old data being saved if you don't mind my asking? I would try and see if you could make a read-only directory of this site and just call it "archive".


@rezynezy it’s an SQL db backend with Simple Machines Forum php front end. I’m not tech savvy enough to figure out a good way to provide an interface to view the backend database info absent a working/updated/secure front end. 

I’ll explore it some, but like I said previously, I don’t see an easy answer right now, and with the shear size and age of the data, any solution is going to be time consuming I’m sure. 


Posted : 03/03/2024 9:53 AM
Posts: 1109

@valpo04 Unfortunately, it would most likely require separating the old data into a separate data file and calling that file if you were to archive it.

Posted : 03/03/2024 11:15 AM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

@vulb62 @rezynezy With a bit of luck, I was able to upgrade the old board to the latest version of SMF. It of course, stripped out all of the customizations/modifications that have been added over the years, but at least for now, we have a version of the software running on an updated/secure version of PHP. This should keep the old information alive for a while.

Posted : 03/04/2024 8:23 AM
Posts: 24

yes I like the new format but is there an icon for it and how do I get rid of the old site and click on to the new site?

Posted : 03/04/2024 8:50 AM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

Posted by: @valpo64

yes I like the new format but is there an icon for it and how do I get rid of the old site and click on to the new site?

@valpo64 I'm glad you like it! As you can tell from the conversation above, I'm still working to tweak settings and formatting and always open to suggestions.

I'm not quite sure what you mean about an icon and getting rid of the old site. The URL for this site is simply: https://www.valpofanzone.com/. If you update your bookmarks to point there, you should come straight here.


Posted : 03/04/2024 9:33 AM
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