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Junior Varsity

Ultimately its my faulty for not being clear that the rankings were for specific notions.

Posted : 10/03/2024 4:01 PM
Posts: 229

My bad, thanks. We need to be more aggressive and transparent of the top 3 Valpo strengths.

Posted : 10/03/2024 4:42 PM
Posts: 764
Junior Varsity

Ultimately both of you bring up a glaring issue with this article. The fact that the title and the post itself is misleading. Both of you automatically assumed that the post was highlighting the national overall rankings and not the specific rankings in which Valpo is strong in. The article should have highlighted this in the title

Posted : 10/03/2024 5:22 PM
Posts: 229

@rez - agreed, and I felt like a fool. when it comes to a ranking, most first look at an overall ranking and not a specific college ranking. 

Regarding the USNews ranking, it might be constructive to understand the criteria/formula in the ranking and see why Valpo is 204. There may be criteria US News finds significant that may not be as significant to Valpo’s identity, and vice-versa. 

Posted : 10/04/2024 6:04 AM
Posts: 105

Criteria for the rankings are available in the link below. Top five: 1. Peer assessment, 2. Graduation rate, 3. Graduation rate performance, 4. Financial resources per student, 5.Faculty salaries.

Relevant to the prior discussion, here is the criteria for classification:

  • National Universities offer a range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and doctoral programs, and emphasize faculty research or award professional practice doctorates.
  • National Liberal Arts Colleges focus almost exclusively on undergraduate education and award at least 50% of their degrees in the arts and sciences.
  • Regional Universities offer a broad scope of undergraduate degrees and some master's degree programs but few, if any, doctoral programs. We ranked them in four geographical regions: North, South, Midwest and West.
  • Regional Colleges focus on undergraduate education but grant fewer than 50% of their degrees in liberal arts disciplines. Some regional colleges award two-year associate degrees as well as bachelor's degrees. We ranked them in four geographical regions: North, South, Midwest and West.

The above were mapped for the third consecutive year with the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education's 2021 update to its Basic Classification system (see details here).

Posted : 10/04/2024 5:49 PM
Posts: 229

I am thinking about the formula that creates the metric and the ranking.

Posted : 10/05/2024 6:37 AM
Posts: 201

Posted by: @vu84v2

Criteria for the rankings are available in the link below. Top five: 1. Peer assessment, 2. Graduation rate, 3. Graduation rate performance, 4. Financial resources per student, 5.Faculty salaries.

Relevant to the prior discussion, here is the criteria for classification:

  • National Universities offer a range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and doctoral programs, and emphasize faculty research or award professional practice doctorates.
  • National Liberal Arts Colleges focus almost exclusively on undergraduate education and award at least 50% of their degrees in the arts and sciences.
  • Regional Universities offer a broad scope of undergraduate degrees and some master's degree programs but few, if any, doctoral programs. We ranked them in four geographical regions: North, South, Midwest and West.
  • Regional Colleges focus on undergraduate education but grant fewer than 50% of their degrees in liberal arts disciplines. Some regional colleges award two-year associate degrees as well as bachelor's degrees. We ranked them in four geographical regions: North, South, Midwest and West.

The above were mapped for the third consecutive year with the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education's 2021 update to its Basic Classification system (see details here).


So, Valpo, with its FEW (by comparison) doctoral degrees was lumped in with the Wisconsins, Harvards, etc. that offer a multitude of doctoral degrees and do million$$$ in research.  

Okay, I get it.  🙄


Posted : 10/05/2024 10:45 AM
Posts: 764
Junior Varsity

Yeah I agree with 62 here. I dont understand why VU continues to be lumped into the national rankings when those rankings are hardly a reflection of the university.

Posted : 10/05/2024 12:11 PM
Posts: 236
Junior Varsity

Update from the campus!  News on dorm renovation, art sale, enrollment and more!

And oh, the Brauer is open, at least for the presentation of May Art graduates works.

Posted : 10/07/2024 1:34 PM
Posts: 13

I’m not seeing much of an update here. Mostly the administration admitting that things are bad, but “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

 And the Brauer is pointedly not open. When I was on campus for HC, there were benches wedged against the entrance. 

This post was modified 1 week ago by KreitzerSTL
Posted : 10/07/2024 10:23 PM
Posts: 139


Agreed. It's a pretty grim 'update' all in all.

Posted : 10/08/2024 11:32 AM
Posts: 764
Junior Varsity

I dont see this as grim. I see this as the school finally addressing their backlash from recent events. They are putting their money where their mouth is and only time can tell as to whether these decisions will reap any rewards.

Posted : 10/08/2024 11:37 AM
Posts: 229

There folks venting off on the art sale. Padilla has a huge challenge currently.

Posted : 10/08/2024 11:52 AM
Posts: 139


Well, I guess I have in mind the genre of the event (a townhall for the university staff and faculty, and only secondarily a campus news article; and not really a PR message addressing the community beyond at all).

This is the administration basically telling the employees: keep expecting more program reviews and cuts every year (depressing); yes, we hear you're worried about the combo of cratering enrollment and sky high admissions rate, but we're just going to say the latter isn't a problem (uhhhh); yes, we have a $9 million annual operating deficit so we will get out of development efforts and sell the land (good decision in my book, but symptomatic of the financial whiplash of the C-suite careening between various business models and endeavors); service is still important (all right, ok).

I do agree there's a kind of frankness and honesty in it that's good. Padilla tends to be extremely direct, and at least that means relative transparency about the state of affairs and growing deficit. Staff would have to be pretty obtuse or in denial to imagine easy sailing these next few years, and it is important the administration is honest with people so that they can make informed decisions to stay or (if they are still early/mid career and have other options) to go.

Posted : 10/08/2024 11:54 AM
Posts: 764
Junior Varsity

@vuindiana All good points. Context of the event is always needed. You and Pal are closer to the innerworkings than most. I can only attack this with the mindset of a Valpo resident. You would have vastly greater knowledge. I am however, interested in seeing the Freshman Village plans being released. I agree with Padillas statement in the article that 300+ empty beds isn't sustainable when schools like Ill St and Purdue constantly overbook their residences. As for if VU is a predominantly residential university. I know nothing on that claim.


Unfortunately more program reviews is going to be the nor across the board for small-private higher ed. However I am concerned that the school is treating the enrollment cliff with impending doom. Don't get me wrong, I think they should be trying to get out ahead of the enrollment cliff and identify what degrees and courses can be sustained during the cliff, but there is a air of caution as to nipping so many buds that you kill the rose bush. 

Personally, I think VU needs to reevaluate their marketing strategy and get back into the local area. Athletics has began to do this and its worked wonders for attendance at football games. Academics needs to get NWI invested in VU. Its not like potential donors dont exist in NWI either. Look at Crown Point and Valpo School corporations and the upgrades they have been able to afford based on referendums and booster money. I would think trying to get into the local community and establish connections with NWI as a whole could provide for some great relationships long term.

They also need to improve alumni relations. VU has many powerful and influential alumni. I would hope the "world tour" is an attempt to extend an olive branch to alumni far and wide. It is a great opportunity that I hope isn't squandered.


The school is going to need a lot more money to complete their docket of projects. The major projects being the CONHP and the arena. Any potential donor should not be taken lightly.

This post was modified 1 week ago 3 times by Rez
Posted : 10/08/2024 11:59 AM
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