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Branding Changes and New Motto

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Posted by: @vulb62

Being grounded makes you radiate? Ummm….   😴😴😴


Only if you are grounded in the radiant light of the Beacons! I feel the brightness of the light!





This post was modified 1 year ago by historyman
Posted : 03/07/2024 6:13 AM
Posts: 408
Junior Varsity
Topic starter

Valparaiso University paid a marketing agency named Ologie to assist in developing the new branding. I am convinced creative faculty and students could have imagined a better motto, and the money spent could have been saved or remained with university folks.

This post was modified 1 year ago by valpopal
Posted : 03/07/2024 9:37 AM
Posts: 49

Didn't students design the light house? I struggle with this because I want people to take me serious in my industry and there have been lots of comments on here that faculty and others should be trusted to know what's best in the classroom. Feels like it goes both ways. I want people to trust me in my industry so I should trust them in theirs. Also, I just have never seen a branding campaign come out that anyone's really or in other areas.

Posted : 03/07/2024 9:55 AM
Posts: 408
Junior Varsity
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Posted by: @beacon92

Didn't students design the light house? I struggle with this because I want people to take me serious in my industry and there have been lots of comments on here that faculty and others should be trusted to know what's best in the classroom. Feels like it goes both ways. I want people to trust me in my industry so I should trust them in theirs. Also, I just have never seen a branding campaign come out that anyone's really or in other areas.

The student who designed the lighthouse worked for marketing. I would have opened the opportunity initially to creative students and faculty across the campus. If the results were unsatisfactory, then move to a consulting firm or, better yet, the person who created great designs that were shared online and in this forum as popular with fans and alumni. "Grounded" is just a horrible word for a motto. It sounds like something that was created as satire or as a kids' game about being shrunk to the size of an ant and fighting underground against insects for survival:


Posted : 03/07/2024 10:18 AM
Posts: 408
Junior Varsity
Topic starter

Here is the university's video version of "Grounded, we radiate." The video is quite good, but it contains other phrases that might have served better as a motto, especially when unattached to this explanatory narrative, which is when it will almost always be used. For example, "We shine outward and onward" or "A brighter future for all" or "We bring truth to light" or "Our light is for everyone." Maybe some variation to one of these excerpts could work well. "Grounded, we radiate" falls flat and appears ambiguous without the clarifying commentary, which adds the "grounded" part almost as an afterthought near the end, and even then it is certainly less than catchy.

Posted : 03/08/2024 11:24 AM
Posts: 324
Junior Varsity

Well done!

Posted : 03/08/2024 11:42 AM
Posts: 11

Posted by: @valpopal

Here is the university's video version of "Grounded, we radiate." The video is quite good, but it contains other phrases that might have served better as a motto, especially when unattached to this explanatory narrative, which is when it will almost always be used. For example, "We shine outward and onward" or "A brighter future for all" or "We bring truth to light" or "Our light is for everyone." Maybe some variation to one of these excerpts could work well. "Grounded, we radiate" falls flat and appears ambiguous without the clarifying commentary, which adds the "grounded" part almost as an afterthought near the end, and even then it is certainly less than catchy.

<a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener"> removed link

The editor is addicted to the solar flare transition.


Posted : 03/08/2024 4:24 PM
Posts: 87

Interesting that Valpo's Solar Energy Research Facility is missing from this considering its purpose is to study and utilize solar thermal radiation. Seemed like an easy layup to add that in!

Posted : 03/10/2024 6:18 PM
Posts: 399
Junior Varsity

Add me to those that see the new motto as idiotic.  No one ever immediately thinks of a positive connotation for the word 'grounded.'  You have to really think about the word to get to a positive meaning...

Posted : 03/11/2024 9:44 PM
Posts: 58

Grounded by the light

Posted : 03/11/2024 10:01 PM
Posts: 207


This post was modified 11 months ago by VUIndiana
Posted : 03/12/2024 11:31 AM
Posts: 32

The word "grounded" gives out a negative connotation in my opinion.  I am not impressed with the new identity.

Posted : 03/27/2024 9:00 PM
Posts: 207


This post was modified 11 months ago by VUIndiana
Posted : 03/28/2024 1:47 PM
Posts: 55

Posted by: @vuindiana
but it's interesting to see so many on here react negatively.

They were never truly grounded in the use of the nickname "Beacons" so acting negatively to the motto seems likely. It will take a while before they learn to radiate in the light of the new motto. LoL  


Posted : 03/28/2024 2:34 PM
Posts: 462
Junior Varsity

Posted by: @vuindiana
I wonder if they did any tentative polls to see if 'grounded' had a positive or negative connotation for the public. I don't love it but I don't think it sounds that bad (grounded could be taken in the sense of 'level-headed') but it's interesting to see so many on here react negatively. I wonder if the Uni did any polling or research to test perceptions? You'd think this would have been an easy project for the Communications department faculty and students to run....

Just by your question it points to the fact that there is some ambiguity in the terminology. Marketing/PR 101 - precise, understandable language gets your point directly across -  no mixed messages or head scratching trying to figure out what something means. 

IMO, VU’s clumsy series of PR/branding gaffs have been more negative than positive in terms of inspiring excitement and buy-in. It’s just the opposite of the desired outcome. 

>> Concerned about the dark side of what a crusader might imply?  Simple, change the nick-name to Knights or Golden Knights and focus on the honorability and integrity of a knights’ characteristics.  No big deal. Mascot stays the same — only the connotation changes in a positive manner.


>> Need a new mascot because we are no longer “Crusaders,”  we are Beacons? How about a pair of fuzzy Labrador puppies because no one wants a walking lighthouse?   Nah, already taken care of above if common sense was appropriately applied. 


>> Need a new motto? Er…… why?  Probably because the previous decisions have created a little confusion, so let’s correct that with additional ambiguity.  Mottos that need explanation don’t work.

Notice a trend here……..? It’s a self-consuming cycle. Stay tuned for more.


This post was modified 1 year ago by VULB62
Posted : 03/28/2024 6:00 PM
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