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Do you like this new site? Poll is created on Feb 20, 2024


Question A Poll: Do you like this site?

26 Posts
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Posts: 65
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Testing out polls!

Posted : 02/20/2024 7:44 AM
Posts: 52

I think it's because it is new and it takes a while to get used to new things but as of now I would be happier with a site that was more like the old one. 

Posted : 03/02/2024 2:05 AM
Posts: 65
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Posted by: @historyman

I think it's because it is new and it takes a while to get used to new things but as of now I would be happier with a site that was more like the old one. 


Thanks for the feedback, @historyman

Are there particular features or formats from the old board that you’d like to see here?

I’m still working on the look and feel of things and I’m open to suggestions 👍🏼 


Posted : 03/02/2024 7:05 AM
Posts: 52

@valpo04 I think I just need to figure out how to use this board.

Posted : 03/02/2024 7:46 AM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

@historyman gotcha. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. I looked around for a good user's guide but I couldn't find anything. It does take some getting used to, and I'm learning right along with everyone else but I've generally found it to be a much better and easier to use interface. For instance, you can just copy and paste images instead of having to use code...


NCAA Tournament: Ted Johnson says Bryce Drew's shot his No. 1 March Madness  moment



Posted : 03/02/2024 7:54 AM
Posts: 15

Starting to get use to the new site. Always a learning period to something new. I liked the alternating yellow/white back ground between comments on the old site. This white/grey format just seems to be so sterile and not as friendly

Posted : 03/02/2024 10:45 AM
Posts: 377
Junior Varsity

Maybe I am missing it, but could there be a prominently located direct link to the Valparaiso University Athletics home page. perhaps like the links to the MVC fan sites? Thanks for everything you do!

Posted : 03/02/2024 11:12 AM
Posts: 1109

From someone who has dabbled in Front-end programming and Web design. This site is a good showcase of skills. The CSS and DOM are pretty advanced for something as "low budget" as a forum for a Mid Major School. Keep up the good work and make improvements YOU feel are necessary. 

Posted : 03/02/2024 12:00 PM
Posts: 65
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@rezynezy appreciate it. From an administration side, it’s so much nicer and should be a lot easier to maintain than our previous forum thumbsup

Posted : 03/02/2024 12:31 PM
Posts: 65
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Posted by: @valpopal

Maybe I am missing it, but could there be a prominently located direct link to the Valparaiso University Athletics home page. perhaps like the links to the MVC fan sites? Thanks for everything you do!

I’ll see what I can do thumbsup  


Posted : 03/02/2024 12:32 PM
Posts: 65
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Posted by: @vubbfan

Starting to get use to the new site. Always a learning period to something new. I liked the alternating yellow/white back ground between comments on the old site. This white/grey format just seems to be so sterile and not as friendly


I am working on that. I will see what I can do 🙂 


Posted : 03/02/2024 12:35 PM
Posts: 429
Junior Varsity

I think my biggest adjustment is now going first to the separate ”new” post space to the right side of the screen. It used to be that the “new” designation was attributed to each topic in a category and when each category was rolled up, you knew that within the category there was a new post (and from 30,000 ft. it was easy to spot and then decide whether to go see it). Now, the “news” are in one spot. It’s a different way of thinking.


I might add that, as the categories get filled out with new post strings, the look and feel will probably go back to being more like the old forum. 

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by VULB62
Posted : 03/02/2024 12:44 PM
Posts: 65
Topic starter

Posted by: @vulb62

I think my biggest adjustment is now going first to the separate ”new” post space to the right side of the screen. It used to be that the “new” designation was attributed to each topic in a category and when each category was rolled up, you knew that within the category there was a new post (and from 30,000 ft. it was easy to spot and then decide whether to go see it). Now, the “news” are in one spot. It’s a different way of thinking.


I might add that, as the categories get filled out with new post strings, the look and feel will probably go back to being more like the old forum. 


@vulb62 I have the option to make the Recent Posts list on the right side only show any unread posts. Is that a more desirable feature?


ETA: For now, I have turned off the "new" badges from this list. 

Posted : 03/02/2024 2:38 PM
Posts: 429
Junior Varsity

@valpo04, I have no real big concern over the Most Recent panel. My comment was not critical — more like I found myself adjusting is all.  As a matter of fact, I’m starting to like it cuz it’s a fast/easy way to get to updated strings. As I mentioned, as new strings start to populate the main categories, it will feel a lot more like the old environment. Don’t change anything unless you think of something cooler 😃

This post was modified 1 year ago by VULB62
Posted : 03/02/2024 3:39 PM
Posts: 65
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Posted by: @valpo04

Posted by: @valpopal

Maybe I am missing it, but could there be a prominently located direct link to the Valparaiso University Athletics home page. perhaps like the links to the MVC fan sites? Thanks for everything you do!

I’ll see what I can do thumbsup  


@valpopal I have added a menu for the various Valpo Athletics pages to the right side bar. 


Posted : 03/02/2024 3:50 PM
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