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3 Posts
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Posts: 31
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IUI has announced a 4,500 seat arena to be built on campus. Good for them. I witnessed many a game at the "gym" attached to the Natatorium and a few at the Fairgrounds. 

Posted : 06/18/2024 9:48 AM
Posts: 698
Junior Varsity

Ill tell you as a current student, no one goes to the coliseum and the team still practices in the public weight lifting facility on campus. 89 mil is also pretty reasonably priced for a facility in the modern day. Shows promise for VUs current situation 


With this development, the Coliseum will not have a permeant tenant as the hockey team is moving to Fishers

This post was modified 3 months ago by Rez
Posted : 06/18/2024 10:17 AM
Posts: 31
Topic starter

I lived in Fishers for 20 years or so. Now they will have Hockey, Indoor Football and Pro Volleyball less than 5 miles from where I used to live.

Posted : 06/18/2024 1:12 PM
