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USNW's primary criteria for classifying universities between National and Regional is the number and breadth of PhD and doctoral programs. Valpo (like any other university) has no input into which classification they are assigned to. Valpo's only way to affect this would be to reduce doctoral and PhD programs.

Posted : 09/25/2024 7:14 AM
Posts: 248
Junior Varsity

Posted by: @vulb62

At the time Valpo was moved to National, I got really excited cuz I understood that move was based on the fact that Valpo has always attracted a national enrollment. But that was in another era.

Perhaps not as much as previous generations but, did you know that just our athletes come from 37 different states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and 10 foreign countries?


Posted : 09/25/2024 9:24 AM
Posts: 248
Junior Varsity
Posts: 188

Yes, typically regional universities get recategorized on the national scale on account of the grad programs, and for many regional unis it was once they added three doctoral programs. Indeed Valpo has three:

- Doctor of Nursing Pracitice

- Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD)

- Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy (DrOT) (Online program)

I share the view that it was better for Valpo to be a high-ranked regional university than a low-ranked national university, but I am not sure (given all the focus on promoting CONHP) that the Board/Admin/CFO people would be willing to cut one of these in order to be recategorized as as regional. I don't have the sense that these are hugely important for Valpo's prestige on either the uni or college level, so the decision to add/cut such doctoral programs would probably depend on what sort of short-term cash flow they are or aren't bringing in.

Posted : 09/25/2024 9:47 AM
Posts: 354
Junior Varsity

Posted by: @valpotx

What was our ranking last year?

Previous rankings:

2024: Best National College category, #204

2023: Best National College category, #201

2022: Best National College category, #176

2021: Best National College category, #160

2020: Best Regional University category, #5

2019: Best Regional University category, #5

2018: Best Regional University category, #5

2017: Best Regional University category, #5

2016: Best Regional University category, #5

2015: Best Regional University category, #5

2014: Best Regional University category, #5


This post was modified 4 months ago by valpopal
Posted : 09/25/2024 9:52 AM
Posts: 188

@vu72 Uh yeah, that VU news piece certainly offers a different 'spin.' But I think it's pretty delusional and ineffective. Sure, you can try to make it sound like a good thing by using the word 'national' a lot - but no prospective parents or students are going to put that much stock in the fact that we're simply on the list rather than not. If they pay attention to rankings, the #204 seems pretty bad. Unfortunately, you really need to be in the top 100 for it to be a significant positive point of applicant/enrollment draw. At the #200+ rankings, enrollment is going to depend much more on factors like location if you're in a really dense or desirable location like Boston or Southern California; or on distinct academic offerings and reputation; or sports.

For Valpo, the top 5 'Regional' ranking would do much better as an actual enrollment attractor.

This post was modified 4 months ago by VUIndiana
Posted : 09/25/2024 9:53 AM
Posts: 154

VU's institutional spin isn't persuasive to me. They're attempting to gloss over the US News #204 ranking position (which they don't actually mention) with a lot of fertilizer language, the likes of which is all too familiar to those of us tending the groves of academe. LOLOL.

As someone who has taught at a regional private university for 30 years, I have long argued that (1) most universities are, essentially, regional in almost every respect; and (2) we should not regard that label as a negative. Furthermore, plenty of regional universities have individual programs and faculty with national reputations, as does Valparaiso.

These damnable US News rankings have had an overbearing influence on how we regard institutional quality and performance in higher education.

Posted : 09/25/2024 2:35 PM
Posts: 1037
Posts: 284
Junior Varsity

Agreed on the preference to be a top Regional ranking versus low National.  When I was in school, we were always ranked #1 or #2 in the Midwest, often battling with Xavier for top spot, I believe

Posted : 10/03/2024 12:28 PM
Posts: 135

I am getting really tired of Valpo's poor and misleading messaging. 

First, the ValpoLife message is complete bs. Recognized nationally? For what, being included in the rankings along with EVERY OTHER SCHOOL with meaningful breadth and size of PhD programs? It is a classification....not a recognition.

Second, I got an email yesterday from University Advancement updating on a few key points from the Fall Campus Town Hall. Included in the briefing was an update on enrollment:

"We welcomed close to 700 students to campus for the Fall '24 semester, with 517 of those being freshman. That number is down from 574 last Fall. As you can imagine, the FAFSA delay had a great deal to do with this decline. Looking forward, inquiries are up from this time last year, and we have begun accepting students for the Fall '25 cohort. Along with improved software to forecast projected federal funding for students, we are confident on bridging the gap with next year's class. This year's incoming Fall cohort had an average GPA of 3.4"
Blaming poor incoming Freshman class on FAFSA? That is a cop out. In any business, you need to own results regardless of external events. Some universities (including private ones like the one where I work) found solutions that worked around the FAFSA problems and got great results. Also, inquiries for the next class is a nearly meaningless measure. Visits and deposits (and who actually shows up on the first day of classes) are the only meaningful measures. Don't promote things that are not meaningful!
Posted : 10/03/2024 1:41 PM
Posts: 1037

 They didnt blame the recruitment on the fafsa. Like many have outlined on this board. They said the FAFSA had an impact on enrollment. Which is easily proven by state schools getting an influx of applicants across the board this year. They are not entirely placing the blame on the FAFSA as that is utterly disingenuous.

As for this "Poor and Misleading Information" a national rankling is a national ranking. Just like the 2020 World Series is still a world series or the Celtics Rings in the early 1900s are still rings. I actually think it is a good thing that VU is promoting their national recognition in areas such as Undergraduate Engineering and Nursing and Health Professions. It should have been done a long time ago. Those other meaningful breadth of phd programs are promoting the same exact rankings. Why are you upset for VU doing the same?  Those rankings are what gets butts in seats. If you are nationally ranked, you should be flaunting it to prospective students. As for promoting things that arent meaningful. Please elaborate as to how a national ranking isnt meaningful.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Rez
Posted : 10/03/2024 1:59 PM
Posts: 135

On the FAFSA issue:

"the FAFSA delay had a great deal to do with this decline" is a statement blaming most of the enrollment decline on FAFSA.

On the messaging on national ranking:

-University of Chicago is ranked #11 in the USNW rankings. Valpo is ranked #204. UW-Milwaukee is ranked #315. Grand Canyon is ranked in the bottom 10%. Are all being equally recognized? Are you recognized for being in a population that includes ALL schools in that classification? 

-The College of Engineering is recognized because it is #15 ranked for engineering schools without Masters programs...and that is a large population (of which Valpo is at the  top).

-Let's look at this from a college basketball perspective. There are 360 teams in D1. The NET rankings come out ranking all 360 teams. Is the team ranked 343rd being recognized?

This post was modified 4 months ago by vu84v2
Posted : 10/03/2024 2:14 PM
Posts: 299
Junior Varsity

Valpo needs to continue to hype up their strengths which enables increased student enrollment. IMO those strengths are the colleges of engineering, nursing and business. Prospective students will financially commit to majors from these colleges as they are strong and renowned.

That being said, @ValpoLife is providing a weak warm fuzzy. Valpo being ranked #204 and @ValpoLIfe praising this in high regard is similar to Homer Simpson winning the Montgomery J. Burns for Outstanding Achievement in the field of excellence.  I certainly would focus on the strengths of the programs and not on that non-overwhelmingly impressive ranking.

Posted : 10/03/2024 2:17 PM
Posts: 1037

That is not the rankings I am referring to. Do I thin Valpo needs to be on this list. No. They should be a regionally focused university like many have outlined. The rankings being outlined in the Valpo life article are the rankings in Undergrad Engineering, which VU ranks in the top 15 consistently. The Business and Nursing programs are mentioned as well, but those usually sit around top 30. 

So sure, Valpo ranks low on the list of national rankings, but those rankings aren't the ones being celebrated. The top 15 Engineering and the Business and Nursing success is what is being marketed here. Which in my eyes is a major shift in direction as the school had previously not marketed these degrees being nationally ranked, and pretty high up on that list.

There are more lists that Valpo is on as well, and in the top 50 of those lists nonetheless.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Rez
Posted : 10/03/2024 2:20 PM
Posts: 135

Rez - When I clicked on the link regarding recognition, I saw that you were correct that it was specific to engineering, nursing, etc.  Thus, your point on Valpo saying it is recognized via various rankings is well taken.

To your point on marketing professional degrees, I don't think that press release is a major shift for Valpo. Much more would be needed for a major shift.

Posted : 10/03/2024 2:37 PM
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