Portal Watch 2025
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Portal Watch 2025

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Jefferson De La Cruz Monegro has officially entered the transfer portal.


Posted : 03/19/2025 9:02 PM
Posts: 423
Junior Varsity

top 4 potential returners all out.

Posted : 03/19/2025 9:14 PM
Posts: 462
Junior Varsity

This is a MAJOR blow.   41.4 points per game gone.  Add Stafford’s from 23-24 and it is 58.3 ppg. Who’s next out the door? The remaining players are, so far, silent.  

So, right now, we have Pettigrew, Justus and a 6’9” Kiwi to build around.

Posted : 03/19/2025 9:49 PM
Posts: 122

In the pre NIL era, I’d be worried about what this meant about the coach and program. Today? I guess it’s business as usual. 

If we’re running this as a business, then we have to go by the numbers. If you look at Jeff’s advance stats he’s…a replacement level basketball player. And I don’t mean any disrespect by that.

In the marketplace of basketball players we should be able to find someone who will provide us similar production. Maybe we get lucky and the new player provides a level of production we didn’t expect. And then promptly leaves… 😬 

It seems as though the advance stats type data likes McNair. And Schmidt. So at least we have something to build with…

Posted : 03/19/2025 10:10 PM
Posts: 462
Junior Varsity

@mj08 Haven’t heard a commitment from Schmidt yet, have we?

Posted : 03/19/2025 10:33 PM
Posts: 399
Junior Varsity

We can pretty much assume that everyone is going to try their hand at the portal each season, in the chance that they score NIL of at least $100k.  I get it from the greed perspective, but from a memories perspective, you aren't anything but a mercenary for hire each season.  All of these folks that don't care about the degree anymore.  In this landscape, if a kid doesn't graduate from their final year of eligibility at your school, you no longer feel obligated to let them finish their degree after they leave.  I believe that used to be a thing, so the 90%+ of D-1 basketball players that don't have a shot at professional basketball, are also screwing themselves out of a degree, unless they received a good deal in transferring credits. 

Posted : 03/20/2025 1:53 AM
Posts: 29

Posted by: @valpotx

We can pretty much assume that everyone is going to try their hand at the portal each season, in the chance that they score NIL of at least $100k.  I get it from the greed perspective, but from a memories perspective, you aren't anything but a mercenary for hire each season.  All of these folks that don't care about the degree anymore.  In this landscape, if a kid doesn't graduate from their final year of eligibility at your school, you no longer feel obligated to let them finish their degree after they leave.  I believe that used to be a thing, so the 90%+ of D-1 basketball players that don't have a shot at professional basketball, are also screwing themselves out of a degree, unless they received a good deal in transferring credits. 


Wright and Schweiger will undoubtedly get far north of $100K. A safe rule of thumb is that if you're on scholarship at the P5 level, you're making $100K+. 


Posted : 03/20/2025 6:17 AM
Posts: 40

Posted by: @valpotx

We can pretty much assume that everyone is going to try their hand at the portal each season, in the chance that they score NIL of at least $100k.  I get it from the greed perspective, but from a memories perspective, you aren't anything but a mercenary for hire each season.  All of these folks that don't care about the degree anymore.  In this landscape, if a kid doesn't graduate from their final year of eligibility at your school, you no longer feel obligated to let them finish their degree after they leave.  I believe that used to be a thing, so the 90%+ of D-1 basketball players that don't have a shot at professional basketball, are also screwing themselves out of a degree, unless they received a good deal in transferring credits. 

You have to keep in mind when they are transferring to a new school, the student-athlete has to satisfy the academic eligibility requirements which include their Progress Towards Degree from not on the institution they're leaving from, but also to their new institution. So when transferring credits, they'll know right away where they stand at their new institution. 9 out of 10 times, they'll get the a high percentage or all of their credits to transfer over in a degree program that's most likely general studies. 


Posted : 03/20/2025 7:15 AM
Posts: 40

Posted by: @cmack

Posted by: @valpo95

1) Although in recent years the MVC has been a one-bid league, there is still a much greater chance of two bids in the MVC than in the HL or SL. For example, this year Drake could have lost in the conference tournament and very likely would have received an at-large bid. Similarly, last year Indiana State was incredibly unlucky or unfortunate to not have received an at-large bid. That possibility does not exist in the SL or HL as currently constructed.

Yes it is true that 5% chance of getting a second bid is 5 times greater than a 1% chance.  14 team SEC teams made the tournament.  If you still think the committee is going to do better next time.....ummm....would you like to buy a bridge?

Posted by: @valpo95

2) Due to the strength of the league and recent tournament success, the payouts to the MVC for basketball in 2024 were $4.4M, and $2.1M to the HL and $2.7M to the SL. (This is because the payouts occur for being in games over six years, and that included Loyola's final four run in 2018 and sweet sixteen in 2021).  You can learn more about the unit payout structure here: One Shining Check - The Value of a March Madness Win  Valpo gets a cut of that larger payout by virtue of being in the MVC. (I cannot compare the costs of being in the MVC versus the HL or SL without more data.)

Once again the case that we will get more money to keep finishing last is just an odd argument. I don't understand why fans care about $$ more than wins.

Posted by: @valpo95

3) My sense is that there is not as big of a difference between Valpo and the top teams as some suggest. It is easy to point to the standings, yet clearly, making the conference semi-finals and losing a competitive game with Bradley shows that the gap is not that large.

We have never finished with a better than .500 record in the MVC.  But we're right there.  Like how can we really take this "sense" seriously.

Posted by: @valpo95

4) Top to bottom, the schools in the MVC more like Valpo's peer aspirants for athletics and academics - I would rather that VU is mentioned alongside Drake, Bradley, Northern Iowa and Belmont than Robert Morris, Cleveland State and Youngstown State for example (that is not meant to be a knock on those schools, just the facts of their more regional reputations). In addition, we should not only be focused on success in Men's basketball, as the conference has many other sports.

I'd rather win games than liking how words sound together.  And honestly I am a basketball fan. I want us to be the Harvard of the Midwest in academics.  But I really don't care the names on the jerseys that we are beating.  I just want to win again.  I don't feel better about losing to teams just because they have solid engineering programs.

Posted by: @valpo95

5) The quality of competition in the MVC *may* make it easier to recruit players in the NIL era. It is easier to point to recent success by Cooper Schwieger and All Wright and their potential paydays at P5 schools in bringing in the next set of players. I'm not as convinced that the difference in MVC NIL money makes it impossible for Valpo to compete in the MVC. (Schwieger may get more NIL money than the entire budget of several MVC teams for example.) Of course, NIL differences matter, yet it is not the same as the difference between any MVC school and a P5 school.

Correct in my world, we would almost certainly end up with lower level talent.  But again, I would rather win with the Washington Generals than lose with the Harlem Globetrotters.

Posted by: @valpo95

In sum, other than it being an easier road to an automatic bid in Men's basketball, there are good reasons to stay in the MVC fewer compelling reasons to consider switching to a less-competitive conference.

Sorry, not too much compelling in your list.  Your case it is better to keep finishing last with better talent as long as we get more $$ and the teams we lose to have some solid academics.  Oh and that we are actually pretty good compared to the other schools already, we just don't beat them. 



Folks can't be this delusional, can they? VU is a good school, no doubt about it, but they are not a Harvard or even a Notre Dame by any stretch of the imagination. According to the last US News & World Report College Rankings VU was #204 in National Universities. In the HL Robert Morris is #214, Detroit Mercy #189 and IU Indy is #196. 

Yes it's a lot easier to get a second bid in the Missouri Valley, but the teams that were fighting for that second bid have bolted to other conferences in the last 10 years. I just want to see VU winning championships regularly instead of being cellar dwellers. It's a harsh reality, but until VU can get folks to rally around and invest in a collective and create more NIL $$$$ it's going to be the same.


Posted : 03/20/2025 7:39 AM
Posts: 89

I never claimed it would be easy for Valpo to compete in the MVC in Men's basketball. However, it is not delusional to maintain that Valpo is better off in the MVC than in the HL or SL, especially considering multiple factors.

If the only concern is the easiest path to a one-bid conference championship, is easier in those other leagues, yet that comes with permanent high seeds and more early tournament exits. (Robert Morris and Omaha are both 15 seeds this year and face Alabama and Michigan State respectively; good luck on that) 

As I mentioned in previous post, the conference record has been poor.  This year, a healthy Stafford would have put them into the top half of the conference fairly easily. If Schwieger and Wright came back, VU would likely be the favorite (or at least one of the favorites) to win MVC in 2025-26.

Here is a question: Had anyone on this board heard of Schwieger in March of 2023? Had anyone hear of All Wright in March of 2024? Both became the best young players in the conference. If Coach Powell can find the next players of similar talent or higher, it is not delusional to think that VU can be competitive next year and in upcoming years.

Posted : 03/20/2025 8:09 AM
Posts: 408
Junior Varsity

Posted by: @valpo95

Here is a question: Had anyone on this board heard of Schwieger in March of 2023? Had anyone hear of All Wright in March of 2024? Both became the best young players in the conference. If Coach Powell can find the next players of similar talent or higher, it is not delusional to think that VU can be competitive next year and in upcoming years.

Delusional? I don't know, but logically that thinking is the slimmest of branches on which to stand. Let's see, with Schwieger Valpo got 12th place, with both Schwieger and Wright, Valpo moved up to 11th place (still last among returning teams). So, with the two leaving, we imagine, "If Coach Powell can find the next players of similar talent or higher..."maybe we can dream about...10th place?


Posted : 03/20/2025 8:29 AM
Posts: 44

I just want to win.  Some here are coming up with 12 reasons why the MVC is the place to be and 11.5 of them have nothing to do with winning.  Check your reasons.  Honestly how many are directly tied to winning basketball games without some stretch or additional explanation.

I just want to win.  I don't want to compare academic backgrounds.  I don't want to make lots of extra money.  I don't want to sit in the glow of the prestige of my conference name.



Posted : 03/20/2025 8:30 AM
Posts: 40

Posted by: @valpo95

I never claimed it would be easy for Valpo to compete in the MVC in Men's basketball. However, it is not delusional to maintain that Valpo is better off in the MVC than in the HL or SL, especially considering multiple factors.

If the only concern is the easiest path to a one-bid conference championship, is easier in those other leagues, yet that comes with permanent high seeds and more early tournament exits. (Robert Morris and Omaha are both 15 seeds this year and face Alabama and Michigan State respectively; good luck on that) 

As I mentioned in previous post, the conference record has been poor.  This year, a healthy Stafford would have put them into the top half of the conference fairly easily. If Schwieger and Wright came back, VU would likely be the favorite (or at least one of the favorites) to win MVC in 2025-26.

Here is a question: Had anyone on this board heard of Schwieger in March of 2023? Had anyone hear of All Wright in March of 2024? Both became the best young players in the conference. If Coach Powell can find the next players of similar talent or higher, it is not delusional to think that VU can be competitive next year and in upcoming years.

With Stafford healthy VU would not have been in the top half of the MVC. Maybe 9th at best. You can’t polish a turd, because it’s still crap. Sorry but those are facts. 


Posted : 03/20/2025 8:53 AM
Posts: 462
Junior Varsity

Perhaps there is an infinitesimal sliver of hope on the horizon (not the league).  


The House is due to implement regulations regarding revenue sharing among NCAA schools and put some reins on the NIL monster.  Time will tell. 

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by VULB62
Posted : 03/20/2025 9:03 AM
Posts: 89

Clearly everyone was disappointed in a 6-14 record, yet I maintain this is not as far of a difference as some suggest. Just look at how VU did against some top teams, including wins against UNI (14-6 in conference), a double OT loss to Bradly (15-5) and a win against Belmont (13-7). Valpo played pretty well against Drake. Then, look at a credible run in the conference tournament with wins against UIC, UNI and a close loss against Bradley. They did all of this without Stafford.

A 10-10 in was good for fifth place in the MVC this year, so it is not so far of a stretch to say that VU could have been in the top half of the conference if Stafford had played.

Posted : 03/20/2025 9:17 AM
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