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Messages - GoldenCrusader87

Valpo Basketball / Re: Facilities
April 04, 2019, 12:35:07 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. Glad it's not soda. Lol.

As for the Golden Arches, I'd be alright if they sponsored a new ARC and could publicize their processed foods al they want.

Heck, I'd even indulge just for the sake of it. I used to love a good Big Mac! Then again, eventually you've gotta cut back on that stuff. Oh, cholesterol. Not my best friend. Nothing like a McDonald's large fry. I usually get a diet drink, though. Then again, my sodium is still too high :(
Valpo Basketball / Re: Facilities
April 03, 2019, 06:41:48 PM
Anyone else notice that there's a Pepsi fountain machine in the nutrition shop? Lol .... why???? I like Pepsi too but wouldn't think of it as an integral part of a nutritional shop. Reminds me of the early 90s when we had All Sport. Remember that?? Haha too funny.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting 2019
April 02, 2019, 02:21:44 PM
Here's my hope...

Since MLB made it public that Matt *WILL* be the coach for the 19-20 season, that *should* provide at least grad transfers with some hope that there will be continuity here for their final year. Now, maybe our lack of grad programs holds us back some for guys who want to transfer but also see the importance of earning a master's in something they can use and are interested in...?
Valpo Basketball / Re: New Transfer Coming to VU!
April 01, 2019, 03:22:42 PM
Come on. I told y'all - I'm not saying anything else about Matt's status. MLB says he's the guy, so he's the guy. Sooo, I went with this haha.
Valpo Basketball / New Transfer Coming to VU!
April 01, 2019, 10:56:34 AM
This just in, Valpo just got a lot better.

Other than the four remaining teams left in the tournament, many players are officially entering the transfer portal. After a devastating loss in the NCAA tournament, Zion Williamson announces he'll be leaving Duke University and transferring to Valpo. Yes - Valpo.

Zion accredited his move to an interest in playing better competition in the MVC than in the ACC. He comes with a WE mentality. Despite likely being a first round pick and one of the best players in the history of college bansketball, Zion recognizes his need to fine tune non-basketball elements in his life - such as his need to learn how to do laundry.

Zion also noted that his appreciation for historic gymnasiums - like Cameron Indoor Center - is another major draw to Valpo because he'd get to play in the ARC. Like Cameron Indoor, the ARC largely remains the same as it was when constructed.

The Duke Crazies will be missed. However, Zion hopes to bring back the V-Rex out of its recent state of extinction.

Last, Zion accredited the bleacher seating as another major draw as it reminds him of his playing days while in a Mighty Mights league.

This is a HUGE get for Valpo and could lead to a new rendition of The Shot!

Oh ya ... and, April Fools!!!
Valpo Basketball / Re: Smits transfer
March 29, 2019, 02:36:29 PM
Great research, Irishdawg
Valpo Basketball / Re: Should Lottich keep his job?
March 29, 2019, 02:22:09 PM
I said I've never seen him at a game and later that I don't actively look for him. That's all.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
March 28, 2019, 01:38:54 PM
You learn to handle different situations, types of players, in-game, and between game issues and challenges and successes from coaching. When you enter your division 1 head coaching experience with three total years of coaching at the end of the bench, why would any of us (myself included) expect him to know how to deal with stuff? Someday he will. It may be a long, painful road until that day. But, someday.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Should Lottich keep his job?
March 28, 2019, 01:35:27 PM
True. I don't actively look for him at games. I come to watch a team compete and ultimately win. Unfortunately, I end up (as of late) watching us squander leafs. And find myself sulking in my own pities .... while indulging in a cup of Culver's flavor of the day.
Depending on how bad it's going, maybe even 2 or 3 scoops haha.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
March 28, 2019, 11:05:58 AM
MLB made it very clear that Matt IS the guy. So, no more discussion is needed. It is what it is. Take it or leave it. Might as well move on and start talking about how to make the most of it. I'll do my best not to say anything more about my thoughts regarding the situation. People know by know that I don't think he's the guy. I think there were definitely issues in all sides. Attitudes, me mentalities, etc. - but, I also have yet to see how Matt possesses the leadership skills and competence and charisma needed to take this program to the next level. His assistants leave. His players leave. The students leave. The fans leave. But, alas it's MLB's guy. I don't support it, but I don't matter. It is what it is. The whole team could transfer and he'd be the guy. Along with his sucky offense and lack of ingenuity. Buckle up folks, it's gonna be a boring ride as we drive in circles around the Land of Mediocrity.

Last post on the topic. Because it doesn't matter. We don't know anything.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Should Lottich keep his job?
March 28, 2019, 10:58:27 AM
Guess what? None of this matters. MLB made that clear. What do we know, as fans? Matt's his guy. I'm going to have a very difficult time justifying forking over the money and spending my time supporting this program under his leadership. MLB's smug attitude on this situation is really unsettling. Too much talking - not enough doing. All while the program deteriorates before us as we idly sit around watching its fall.

Joke. Absolute joke. The only reason why I would continue supporting this team with my time, effort, and money is because I don't want them having the right to take away being a fan of this school.

MLB can say all he wants that Heckler is a fan of MBB. I've never seen him at a game. And it's not like he has a suite to go to and watch the games. They don't exist in our crappy arena.

Nothing worse than talking without doing. Sorry but we deserve better.

Anybody remember when Alec was given the gameball after becoming the all-time leader in scoring or something of the like? He paid NO attention to Heckler because Heckler didn't show his support to them. Same exact time we were all left in limbo as to why Jubril wasn't eligible. Remember all the Free Jubril signs? My oh my how soon we forget. On towards mediocrity. Come one, come all.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Smits transfer
March 28, 2019, 10:50:02 AM
Why bash him? If he ends up at GCU and gets to be closer to his family, good for him. Can you imagine his dad trying to sit comfortably on an airplane to come and see him? All this time, I though his dad still lived in Indy and wondered why he didn't come to games more often. If he lives in Arizona, he should go play somewhere there. Good for him. Only get one chance to be a college player. Go overseas and make some money if he wants thereafter. Best of luck to Smits.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Bryce Drew...
March 23, 2019, 06:42:00 PM
Will be interesting to see how his recruiting is potentially impacted by the mass exodus ... and two straight losing seasons. Or - for that matter a combined 30 total wins in the post-Peters injury world. Keeping in mind we lost to Milwaukee and were ousted from the HL Tournament before getting whooped by Illinois 82-57. Other than an urge to potentially have immediate playing time, what's the sell to bring in solid recruits at this point? Asking for a friend.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Ryan Fazekas
March 23, 2019, 10:26:17 AM
I'm shocked - honestly - that Ryan hasn't announced a transfer yet. It's been abstractly hinted at that there's limitations to our strength & conditioning program and/or our medical services.

Ryan's dad was down there checking on him all the time. We've quickly forgotten about the number of ankle injuries, for instance. If guys don't feel they're being medically treated as well as a bigger program could offer (given their finances and resources) you can't blame them. Injuries are sustained everywhere. Nobody is exempt. But science does also show the things we can do now - thru technology - to prepare for competitions and recover quicker. So, you've gotta wonder if there's a connection there. Converting a closet into a nutrition center of sorts with granola bars, yogurt, and fruit is a step in the right direction but pales in comparison to what's offered elsewhere.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Bryce Drew...
March 22, 2019, 08:27:31 PM
All in vain if Valpo Admin and MLB won't do what's right and fire ML and hold a national search!!!
Why are we comparing our situation in which all these players are leaving BEFORE OR WITHOUT the coach being fired


Their situation where the coach WAS FIRED and THEN the players transferred????????
Valpo Basketball / Re: 2018--19 Team Requiem
March 22, 2019, 02:55:41 PM
When I say this is therapeutic for me ... I'm saying it's cathartic. If for no other reason than because we can at least express our emotions here and feel some sense of relief - despite it being on deaf ears or preaching to the choir
Valpo Basketball / Re: Should Lottich keep his job?
March 21, 2019, 10:11:31 PM
What's it feel like to be a Valpo fan right now? Wondering how things will turn out. How many more players will leave. How many excuses can be made for this disastrous season. How long it will take for renovations to be made to the ARC. Well, it reminds me of this great commercial from years ago. How many licks will it take before we get REAL change and investment into this program? Seems like we're getting close to the center of the tootsie roll pop... right? Can't get much worse, can it? We won't give him an extension - will we?

Well... The world may never know.

Valpo Basketball / Re: 2018--19 Team Requiem
March 21, 2019, 10:03:15 PM
Sadly, I think some folks - at this point - are in a state of hibernation. Stepping away from the blogs and such. Just painful to observe what's going on right now. As for me, it's therapeutic.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Should Lottich keep his job?
March 21, 2019, 01:44:07 PM
Golder now too ... lol ... how could ANYBODY think he should keep his job at this point? Unbelievable.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Facilities
March 21, 2019, 06:58:10 AM
Thanks for the clarification - I was thinking .... there's no way they play at this venue all the time.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Union Street Hoops
March 20, 2019, 06:42:32 PM
Starting to wonder what the target audience of these podcasts is... why not bring someone on who IS concerned? Case in point = even Dot Nuechterlein tweeted about this situation ... she's like our Sister Jean ... come on. Sometimes, it's just bad ingredients ... seriously? Bueller. Bueller.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Union Street Hoops
March 20, 2019, 06:37:21 PM
30-minutes in ... and, not an inkling of responsibility placed on Matt. Figures. I'll finish and hope for something here ... defending Matt's press release. Idk - we're not going to make any traction here. It is what it is.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Facilities
March 20, 2019, 06:34:22 PM
Watching this Georgetown vs. Harvard game @ Georgetown. Wow - a bit shocked to see their arena. I'm thinking this is what people think when they see the ARC. Glorified high school arena. Bleachers are a bad look. Some new chairbacks around the arena + new lights + new paint ... could make a big difference.

Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
March 20, 2019, 12:33:03 PM
Valpo pal - funny thing is ... I'm sure Matt 100% still believes it. And, I'm just waiting for posters to get roasted again my Paul on USH lol. He'll continue to defend, justify, etc.

I hope I'm wrong. Don't be an enabler to this nonsense.