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Messages - valpo64

General VU Discussion / Re: Valpo Strategic Plan
March 15, 2023, 07:13:59 PM
Amen!   Thank you,  wh.
Talk about living in the past!
Here is food for thought...could it be  someone other than Matt L who is fishing the transfer portal trying to get a behind the scenes jump on things for next year before any coaching change is announced?
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers 2022/2023
March 13, 2023, 11:19:25 AM
Ya gotta love the enthusiasm of some of our posters saying a great VU player should leave the program, another potential transfer should not come to VU   I am sure these comments do alot for our program. Welcome to "PR Grade 1".  Sorry, you failed...let's try again. 
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers 2022/2023
March 12, 2023, 01:40:23 PM
I really don't understand your comment usc.  Are you with us or against us?  You want Ben to transfer?  I want Ben to be happy, but I put Valpo's team success before any player any time.  You appear to be very vindictive.
Other Sports / Re: 2023 Baseball
March 06, 2023, 07:35:31 AM
Congratulations to the baseball team for an outstanding start.  May we continue to surprise for the entire year?
valporun is correct in his assessment.   That scenario holds true for many mid-majors especially those in small markets like Valpo.  The problem is some schools and coaches can deal with it and others have problems with it...like ML.  It is just part of the problem with ML.   
Everyone is a happy, supportive fan when you are winning, but where are they when the going gets tough and the team really needs support?
General VU Discussion / Re: Valpo Strategic Plan
February 27, 2023, 08:35:22 AM
I agree with you "mj".  It just goes along with some other cheap shots that have been fired in the past on this Board.
General VU Discussion / Re: Valpo Strategic Plan
February 27, 2023, 08:33:42 AM
I agree with you  mj.
We went an entire season and never learned how to close out a game.  Pretty sad.  That is a coaching problem.  Maybe one of these years we will recruit some backcourt personnel who can shoot.  It is pathetic how poorly DeV and crew are unable to create offense and put the ball in the hole, let alone shoot the 3.  One thing is certain,  they fail to do it consistently.  Good teams have good point guards that can create and shoot...we do not.  I know that they do not turn it over alot but we get nothing while they play catch and weave the ball near center court.  When you attach offensively you sometimes will have turnovers  and I'll take that approach every time.
One should not be alarmed that Ben fouls out often...he plays more minutes than anyone...he is the best threat to beat our opposition so the best way to get him off the floor is to go right at him when one gets the chance.  That approach is nothing new.  It has worked for years and with no other support for Ben, he is very vulnerable for our opponents to attack when Ben is on the floor.  I can't remember another Valpo player who had to carry a load like he has done the last couple of years.  He has been a great representative for VU both on and off the floor during his career.  I would love to see him back next year.
valpofb16...I totally disagree with your assessment of pride in our school.  My wife and I have it and I am sure that many others on this board have it also.  As for the men's b-ball program...that's another story.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Here’s to Ben 🍺🍷🥃
February 24, 2023, 12:14:30 PM
It has been a privilege to watch Ben play.  I hope he stays for another year no matter who is coaching.  He would be a terrific leader in addition to his playing ability and a great example for new additions to emulate.  Thanks for all of your examples of hard work both on and off the court.
Great looking uniforms in the baseball team picture but I wish a little more of gold trim was used.
Valpo Basketball / Re: MBB Home Ticket Prices
February 14, 2023, 09:00:04 AM
Wow, there are alot of posters on our board that really know alot about alot of things...at least they think so.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Valpo at MoSt 2/1 ESPN+ 7 pm
February 02, 2023, 10:36:36 AM
Why is it that with the team holding the ball for 1 shot before the buzzer, so many teams stand around until the 9 or 10 second mark then have to force up a shot or try a desperation shot to beat the buzzer?  My guess is that that play works about 10% of the time, if that much.
Loved your comment, vu84v2.  I don't know how accurate your stats are but it is very interesting reading and in general makes alot of sense. I have to chuckle when comments are made that $300,000 to $400,000 shouldn't make a difference regarding a coaching change.  I wonder how many mid-major schools would agree that that amount of money would not make any difference in hiring or firing a coach that is currently under contract, especially if it is a private mid-major program.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Aces at the ARC 1/28 6 pm
February 02, 2023, 10:15:04 AM
  Great article on the Missouri State situation.  Our solution is quite simple although hard to produce...WINNING SOLVES MOST EVERYTHING.    We surely are not alone with our b-ball problems.  I heard the other night that Fordham, I think they are in the A-10 or A-Sun(?), ,has only reached a double bye level of their post-season tourney 5 times in their 23 year history of being in the League. And we think we have problems.  Also, it would be interesting to see what some of us would comment if our situation was like Evansville's demise.  And its hard to believe that they lead the MVC in home attendance this year, and they are usually at or near the top every year.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Aces at the ARC 1/28 6 pm
January 31, 2023, 02:01:18 PM
Well said, wh.  It also appears that Butler is a little over its head in the Big East.  Even though they had some terrific clubs and a few real good years, since then they have been very mediocre.  And now they still suffer after going back to Thad Motta.  One of the reasons he left OSU was he didn't particularly enjoy the recruiting game any longer as in the past.  We'll see how their fan base reacts after this season.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Aces at the ARC 1/28 6 pm
January 30, 2023, 03:02:34 PM
It is so easy to be negative....what is so bad about giving credit where credit is due?  I sometimes wonder if some people have ever seen a glass half full.  If the shoe fits, wear it.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Valpo UNI
January 28, 2023, 09:17:30 AM
and the beat goes on...in recent years we have not had good point guard and "2" guard play on a consistent basis.  Good teams have good point guard play and consistent outside scoring threats.  In general we have recruited small guards like D'Av and others who often times can handle the ball without alot of turnovers but thats where it ends.  They can't create offense, shoot or get to the basket and finish.  We fart around with the ball but get no consistent, aggressive offense.  When you cannot shoot well and can't get to the rim you're done even when you don't turn the ball over.  In the past, when we have had good teams we have had some good shooters and good point guard play.
Valpo Basketball / Re: MVC NET Rankings
January 25, 2023, 01:03:09 PM
Now that's an interesting thought...at least we may not hear the same thing over and over again   :)
Valpo Basketball / Re: MVC NET Rankings
January 25, 2023, 09:50:18 AM
Love the comment.  Why don't we gloat on U of L's dismal season rather than thinking about our own failures this season.      :) :)
You might ask the same question regarding Loyola.