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Messages - Dr. T

Another Thursday Arch Madness game. This time, however, against a team that's beaten you 2x (both of which went down to the wire). One of which was a mere matter of days ago. We cannot blame the loss on Valpo having a quick turnaround compared to their opponent since they played each other the last time out. This time around, however, it's an absolute blowout. What an embarrassing way to finish. And, we cannot continue chalking the losses to Murray State up to their former NBA talent. The key word is "former" ... there's no Ja Morant on this team. We didn't even have our band there. We're a shell of a program. A bottom feeder in the valley. Not even competitive tonight against a 7 seed. 28 point loss where Murray State cleared the bench down the stretch. A team that's 17-14. 3 of the 17 wins, by the way, are v. Valpo. Take Valpo out of the equation and they're a 14-14 team. 25 pts in the 1st half & 25 pts in the 2nd half. To a team that's in its first year as a member of the Valley ... playing in its first game of Arch Madness.

Valpo comes to a close with an 11-21 record on the season.

How much worse can it get?
If helpful to the conversation surrounding the decline in enrollment, that data is public
Quote from: AlaskaCrusader19 on March 01, 2023, 07:59:49 PM
Quote from: valporun on March 01, 2023, 05:14:47 PM
Don't forget, since the NCAA changed the transfer rules, coaches have been practically on eggshells about what they can do because kids are transferring out, without penalty, at any given moment. Lottich has even referred to this as a learning curve that coaches can't look to a reference book about how to handle constant change of roster, even when that change is during the season. This transfer portal, while fans think it is great, it is driving coaches insane because they don't know how to recruit for their programs in the same manner we all knew for years.
I completely agree, but every other coach in America is dealing with the same thing. It shouldn't be a reason why Lottich gets a pass.

Like AlaskaCrusader19 points out - it's relative. In its current form, the transfer portal is new for all coaches. Sure, some programs are more impacted by it than others. Here's the thing, though ... around 1,500 players enter the portal for MBB. It goes both ways. It's a new reality of the game. If you make over $300k a year, you should be held accountable for rolling with the punches, not making excuses. Whether a player is looking for more minutes, not content with the direction of a program, dealing with a breakup, looking for a NIL deal, not jiving with their coach, dealing with a coach leaving, looking for a bigger stage, or any other amalgamation of variables - it works both ways. If you've got the chops, you've got the chops.
Paul - yes, I am a subscriber.
Curious to know --- is that a thing? Do programs opt to lower their division level? I know programs opt to drop some sporting teams entirely (We've seen this at Valpo, obviously with men's soccer, etc.). But what recognizable programs (and when) have dropped their level as of late?

To further this inquiry, what programs have opted to drop the level of their main revenue-producing sport? While "that" sport for many schools is football, we cannot say the same for Valpo. It has to be men's bball, right?

I cannot imagine lowering the level of your primary revenue-producing program ...

Perhaps Paul O has this research somewhere in his archives?
Well - assuming we hear confirmation one way or the other concerning ML's future at Valpo after Arch Madness comes to a close - at least we'll be able to put the speculation to rest. I'll hop on a few more times to gripe about it for cathartic fandom purposes. Then, I'll enjoy March Madness in all its glory, pulling for the upsets, & playing the bracket games. All the while, Valpo basketball will fade into a repressed memory. I'll blow the dust off my Valpo fandom once the college football season fleshes itself out. I'll restore some hope again - at least for a few months. Season ticket? Certainly not. Attend a game or two? Most likely. Financially contribute? Hard pass.
Kudos to ML's agent if his buyout is north of $300k. I mean seriously. Consider how hard we have to work for that amount of money. Consider how long it takes most of us (90-95%) to earn that money. Oh, and we act like being an NCAA D-1 basketball coach is the only results-driven industry? Most people (90-95%) who work don't have expectations. Can they not continually offer excuses to justify their lack of production? This is a business. And, it's a game - literally. It has to be about wins & losses to a point. Why do they play? In part, to win. Right? To entertain people, bring in revenue that supports the other athletes & school at large, represent the university with pride, win championships, etc.? It is, after all, a sport. A game. That's why there are wins and losses counted and records kept. That's why banners are hanging from the rafters. That's why courts are named after people.

And, yet, we should feel sorry ... etc.? Like I said, kudos to his agent for sure.
AB - are you referring to 2:00 Monday, 3/6? If so, is a press conference scheduled (regardless of the outcome this weekend)?
A small sample size, no less, but cathartic since it seems those of us posting all share the same sentiments. Sincerely hoping we can move in a different direction ...
11-20 Overall
5-15 in Conference (.250 win %)
8-7 Home Record
2-12 Away Record
1-1 Neutral Record
5 wins in 2023

Before the loss to Murrary State, Valpo came in at 283 NET. 
0-2 in Quad 1 wins
1-7 n Quad 2 wins (James Madison)
0-6 in Quad 3 wins (0-7 after loss to Murray State)
9-4 in Quad 4 wins

272 Ken Pom ranking

22-23 Combined Team Stats: https://cdn.streamlinehosting.net/valpoathletics/6BB84E97-3CBB-47F9-A0CA-84F86E9D55D3/MBBSeasonStats_022623.pdf
Valpo's last (and sole) OT win this season was back on November 27 when they beat James Madison. Since then, they've lost 4 OT games. Can these losses honestly be chalked up to the refs, bad calls, etc.? Or, is it a sign of a more systemic problem within this organization that signals (yet another) red flag that this program is in dire straits?
Why don't we use the same excuse for Murray State & Belmont that's been used for Valpo since joining the Valley? I thought we could not expect these new-to-the-conference teams to compete until they recruit MVC-level talent & have a few years to progress nicely. I mean, Murray State lost Ja Morant after the 2018-2019 season. Valpo, by comparison, lost Alec Peters after the 2016-2017 season. It's only fair to say Valpo needs more time to develop and be "gritty" once again. 
I commend Chairback for calling a spade a spade. Seriously ... at what point do these secondary excuses take a back seat to the product on the court? Regardless of the game time being X:00 or Y:00, a losing team is a losing team. That's the most significant part of the problem here... why do people think, for instance, tv time slots aren't released months in advance many times? Because the primetime spots are held for the games that will likely bring in the most viewers. It's a business! That's why some games have the ESPN College Gameday crew present. That's why some games are slotted on ESPN in primetime. That's why some games are relegated to the ACC Network, BIG 10 Network, PAC 12 Network, or solely kicked over to a streaming partner.
It's a business lol... why put a losing product on tv or in prime time slots when you have other options???

Don't you remember when Dicky V came to the ARC in 2011? Why did he come???? Not because of a game starting at X:00 or Y:00. We were a must-watch mid-major with a story to tell!
I need help understanding: What's there to gain from talking with the players? Is there anything these players could say that would necessitate keeping ML around *IF* the AD were even considering moving away from him? I'm sure he's a nice guy and could be a "good" coach in general. But, at some point, this has to be a results-driven industry.
Watched the game ... it's whatever at this point. What I do not appreciate, however, are the same exhausted excuses from ML in the postgame press conference.

"It's hard to lose senior night um but I was very very fortunate that we were actually able to play with what was going on actually didn't think it was going to happen there ... and it was nice that I thought all our seniors actually played pretty well um I think Bradley is um they're an extraordinarily good team ... it's hard to simulate their physicality coming in ... and I think we ended up winning the second half ..."

Sigh ... but, what really got me were ML's comments about the transfers: "...you know it just takes a while and that's what you know a little bit challenging right with the transfer portal because it just takes time ..."

No. Sorry but no. WELCOME TO COLLEGE ATHLETICS IN 2023!!!! It's a different ball game, dude. Figure it out. You make over $300k a year to FIGURE it out. Quit with the excuses. As an AD, there's NO WAY I could continue accepting public excuses such as these when it's a habitual pattern.

If you can't figure it out, find someone else who is willing to do so! You're in the top 5% of earners. 95% of folks make less money than you and have to make much more difficult decisions with real repercussions. Just tired of it.

An interesting note concerning Barry Hinson. Currently, he's the Associate AD / NIL @ Oklahoma State.


He's an OK State graduate & was born in Marlow, OK.

During the height of the pandemic, his position was cut. But he voluntarily continued & showed up to work daily. That's dedication!!!

Unless Dr. Small has such a strong relationship with him and/or he's strapped for cash, I don't see him leaving OK State. That's dedication!

If I were him (assuming he's not strapped for cash and/or itching to leave his home state for NWI), I wouldn't leave that position to take on the unknowns surrounding this Valpo bball program ...
@VU72 - sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree if you honestly accept a 10-point loss to a conference opponent AT HOME. Come on. Are we seriously at that point, expectations-wise? Their Away record is 8-4. Yes, they're on a 9-game winning streak. But what about the intangibles? Senior night at Valpo, for one.

Look at Bradley's prior away games:

  • 2 pt win v. Southern Illinois (2-19-23)
  • 18 pt win v. Illinois State (2-8-23)
  • 8 pt win v. UNI (2-4-23)
  • 7 pt win v. UIC (1-29-23)

What a joy it was reading through your post. Respect your vulnerability and transparency. I love that you're cultivating an environment where students are taking agency & gaining mindfulness of embracing the present. In a world that's increasingly interconnected and often driven by what we like to portray as "multitasking" - it's these sorts of cathartic moments in time that can be fostered in a classroom that money, technology, and the frills of social media cannot replicate.
As predicted, another lackluster performance by the Beacons. Oh well. Kudos to a strong Bradley team. Thankful to see Ben's parents could attend the last (2) games. Despite the losses, at least they can enjoy seeing their son give it his all —34 pts v. UIC on Sunday and another solid performance tonight against a much better-quality opponent.
My identity is not tied to any institution or athletic program. I'm thankful for that because these things are fleeting. I do hope, however, that VU - for its own sake - finds its "heartbeat," ... whatever that may be ... and sticks to it. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. As pointed out by others, the pulse of this university beats on its own. Tag lines, initiatives, slogans, marketing schematics, etc., may try and paint a given portrait of what the university wants others to see it as, but such matters are merely surface-level.

Selfishly, I'd hate to refer to my alma mater as others do when explaining what happened to St. Joseph's College in Rensselaer. When it closed its doors in 2017, it was down to ~1,100 students.

What Valpo was, is, and could / would / should be = the impetus of the question(s) at hand.

Total enrollment is 2964 as of 2022. Down ~600 from 2019. Down over ~1,580 from 2014 (~34.77%). Granted, the law school is a good chunk of that but still ... just sad.
VU 72 - interestingly enough - faith was a significant part of why I opted to attend the school. I tried characterizing this in a secular sense by referencing social conservatism. That said, my time there led to a rather substantive questioning of my faith as I had several professors push back on my views. At the time, this opposition (surprising to me) led to rather radical changes in my stances. I look back and am beyond thankful God brought me out of this season of my life and pointed me toward fully committing as a Christ follower.

I only bring this up in reference to your inquiry but glad you asked :)
Just curious ... at this point, what are the benefits to VU private? I bring it up since many of the woes stem from a lack of funding, right?

As enrollment continues dwindling, programs are canceled, layoffs ensue, and so forth - the university seems to lack an identity. What is Valpo, in 2023, known as and known for?

I attended Valpo because of the following:

A) Wanting to be known as a "Division 1" athlete. I chose Valpo over D2 & D3 programs. At the time, I thought this distinction would make a tangible difference in my life. In short, I ended up quitting.

B) Wanting to go to Valpo Law School (no longer an option)

C) Wanting to be part of what I thought was a socially conservative-leaning institution.

D) Location. Not only would I be able to attend a school close to home, but that would mean I could be an active alumnus and be proud of the school I attended.

Since graduating from VU, I have attended public post-grad institutions. When I return, the things that made Valpo special aren't there. At the time, I never thought that would be a possibility 15-20 years later. But, alas, I'm disinterested.

Just curious what the benefits are, at this point, of being a private institution. Not that there's anything that can be done about it at this point. I suppose I'm just curious how Valpo basketball fits into the future of this institution. I remain hopeful because of the new administration.

But ... then I think about things like What's Valpo known for? What's "the thing" now? The Drew days are over. The Law School is gone. Most of the faculty I had are no longer there. The mascot changed, so my gear isn't applicable any longer. You get the point.
I don't know - the weather is supposed to be excellent (for Chicago in February). Perhaps a decent amount of alumni gather ... if, for no other reason, than to vent and reminisce about the good ol' Drew days. Speaking of which, I am reminded of the recent picture Dr. Small posted with the last winning basketball Valpo coaches ...
If only I could've been a fly on the wall to listen in on the conversation Dr. Small had with Bryce & Homer ... or, even better, to get in the mind of Dr. Small and know what he was *thinking* while meeting with these two Valpo legends. I'm sorry, but there's no way - given his basketball regimen personally, professionally, and administratively - that he thinks this program is progressing in any way, shape, or form.
VULB#62 - great take. We'll never know but one thing is for certain ... MLB also didn't have to renew ML's contract thereafter. Also, he could've been strategic in how the contract terms were written to protect VU should ML not pan out. Instead, VU seemingly doubled down after mediocrity became the norm ...