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Let's Talk Some Ladies' Hoops!

Started by SadersofthelostArc, August 15, 2012, 07:32:00 PM

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I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!  It seems as if the drought has carried over from the crops to this message board...things are slow lately 'round these parts!  So, why not talk a little Lady Saders' hoops?

I'm expecting HUGE things from this team this year.  Keith had these ladies on the verge of big things and now Coach Dorrow is here to take things to the NEXT level!  I will miss Keith---he is a great friend and was always willing to break down games over a meal at Broadway Cafe....I can only hope Coach Dorrow will do the same  ;)  BUT, Keith has left us and we all must move on.  This is the Dorrow era.  She did fantastic things at Ferris State and I have no doubt she will return the LS's to the promised land.  i'm also very excited about her hire of Coach Loosvelt.  This is a VERY underrated hire that will pay major dividends this season.  I'm not so sure about Coach Westerdorp...have heard he has a lot of Kirby-esque "qualities." He will have to be kept under wraps for us to achieve what we are capable of this year.

Can't wait for the season to tip-off!  When we last saw our Lady Saders, they had GB on the ropes for almost 30 minutes.  They will build on that momentum this year.  I won't make my record prediction until I see the schedule, but I will be stunned if we don't win 18-20 games. 

What say you, fans?  Let's get the positive mojo going in this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:


It would help our chats on this topic if the athletic department and the WBB office released some information to stoke those fires you're talking about.  The WBB blog is about the 2011 China trip and coach Freeman's name is still prominent.  The WBB Facebook page is unavailable.  No articles  to speak of in the local press.  Out of the gate, the WBB program gets a "D" on communication and promotion from me.  Someone needs to clue Coach Darrow into the expectations of a D-I fan base.


Great points there, 62.  Keith was quite the showman and kept the website buzzing with info...maybe Coach Dorrow doesn't realize that this is part of the territory at the D1 level.

Currently, the lack of info is a bit embarrassing, to say the least.


Quote from: SadersofthelostArc on August 15, 2012, 09:11:51 PMKeith was quite the showman and kept the website buzzing with info

You have got to be kidding me, we had players hurt last year with no mention of it for an entire season. The lack of info to date is pretty representative of the normal.  Showman?  Good lord you do live in a fantasy world!


Quote from: IndyValpo on August 15, 2012, 09:30:33 PMGood lord you do live in a fantasy world!

you're just now realizing this?


nerd, did you ever get a copy of the avatar I made for you?  It's pretty sweet!


Indy, Keith would not be the first coach to not willingly give out injury info.  Why give other teams the advantage?


I don't think giving any and all information freely last season would have provided an advantage to anyone! I'm just glad it is over. It's time to move on.
I do have to agree, information sharing from this team has much to be desired. It would be nice to see a schedule at this point, to get a feel of how things should unfold.
I think we will see quite a change this season in the way we prep., practice, and approach our season. I believe the new staff's conditioning requirments may be why Lang is no longer a lady crusader. To be honest, I felt our ladies, the ones that played, were in pretty good shape, conditioning wise, last season. You don't play the kind of minutes we did, with 6 or 7 players, and battle till the last second, if your not in condition to do so.
We will be a team, built for speed. I see many more fast break opportunities then in seasons past.
We will also need to greatly increase our shooting percentages if we want to be successful. Our lack of size will limit our second chance points.
We have enough guards now (6 or 7) to keep fresh legs in. There's no reason to count on Richards for all the minutes she's been asked to play. I know the injuries were a big part of that, but I feel fresh legs at the guard possition this season could also prove to be a big factor.


Quote from: SadersofthelostArc on August 15, 2012, 09:11:51 PM
Great points there, 62.  Keith was quite the showman and kept the website buzzing with info...maybe Coach Dorrow doesn't realize that this is part of the territory at the D1 level.

Currently, the lack of info is a bit embarrassing, to say the least.

Quote from: SadersofthelostArc on August 15, 2012, 10:15:51 PM
Indy, Keith would not be the first coach to not willingly give out injury info.  Why give other teams the advantage?

You're correct, there's no reason to give out any information on injured L'ders.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa



Wondering if they are any closer to getting a schedule together. I believe we knew last year's schedule much earlier. For those that travel, it'd be nice to be able to incorporate a Lady Crusaders game in, if possible. Unfortunately, it takes a schedule and some planning to do that. ??? 


They will be releasing their schedule exclusively via their Twitter site over the next few days.  See the VU Athletics website for that information and the connection.

UPDATE:  The first exhibition is vs. Holy Cross.  Home opener vs a B1G school but not yet released.  Lots of teasing with the Twitter posts so far.



Talk about jumping in, both feet first! Indiana will be a good yardstick on where they are at, and what they need to work on to get where they want to be.