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Someone needs to help with Football scheduling

Started by IndyValpo, September 13, 2011, 12:06:51 PM

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Who does our football scheduling?  It is obvious they are confused about the status of this team.  We need a non-conference schedule with teams we can beat.  Someday perhaps we can schedule scholarship 1AA or good D3 schools but today is not that day.  Next year will not be as well.

We need a win, the players are trying, the coaches are trying, give us a winnable game.

I am nominating MacMurray College in Jacksonville, IL.  This D3 school is in their 4th year of varsity football and their combined record to date is.......1-31.  This should be our home opener 2012.

Let the nominations begin...


I disagree with one premise, we don't need to schedule teams we can beat, we need to schedule teams we can be competitive with.  Basically I'm saying the same thing, but remember they're trying to beat us too...St. Francis, Albion, Hope, Trine...teams like that that we played in the past are the kinds of teams we should be playing.  We didn't always beat them, but at least we were competitive.....Playing teams like Youngstown State and North Dakota do nothing for our image or football fortunes.  I would really be interested in how much these "money" games bring in, but I doubt that it's enough to make up for the embarrassment.


Coach Carlson quotes two reasons for these games:

1...for the PFL to gain an automatic berth into the Division I-FCS play-offs we must all play as many Division I games as possible.

2.  we get a guarantee and that is part of our fund raising plan to improve the football program.

He added that the players want to play these games and I guess will just have to take his word on that one.

Getting into the national playoff situation has to be good for our image and recruiting.  Don't tell me we will never win the conference title because we did just that in 2003.

As for fund raising, let's just say we make $25,000 plus travel costs.  In comparison let say we play Trine (whoever that is) at home and have 2500 at the game (2500 might be a stretch at the moment). If 2000 of those pay $5, (the cost of the Communiversity game tickets) that's $10,000.  Assume for a moment that concessions cover the employee costs.  There's $15000 we didn't have before and that can go a long way toward buying equipment and acting like we are a D1 program.

Someone like rlh should ask the AD so we don't have to speculate.  I don't like getting our collective asses handed to us any more than the next guy.  I do think we are improving (lost 77-13 to YSU vs. 86-7  to nonscholarship Jacksonville.  Our performance against Franklin was also much better.  I know some are starting to giggle at this point  ::)  but I do have hope!   ;D
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


VU72 is right on...we ARE getting better.  No one said this was going to be easy.  YSU would give most of the teams in the Big 10 a tussle for at least a half (they were in the Michigan State game well into the second half) and I don't think it is a stretch to say that YSU would actually beat 2 or 3 Big Ten teams.  There is improvement and we ARE getting better.  Let's give these guys some support and encouragement.  Coach Carlson is a good coach who knows what he's doing.  Paul


This is the main problem with athletics anymore. Coaches who have to rebuild a struggling/failing program need time to get their program believed in, and get recruits and players that will play in it. What Coach Carlson started with were players who didn't want to challenge themselves anymore than to beat the lower D-3 teams that play like some of the teams just played in high school. Now, he's starting to bring in some of his own players to fit his system, get it developed right, and build the NEW winning tradition of Valparaiso University football. Sure, I was upset that we were beaten 77-13 on Saturday by YSU, but I didn't crap myself over it because last year's team would have given up after they were down 21-0. This team seemed to keep fighting, especially after the Franklin game where they looked like they did play to win the game. The scheduling, if Coach Carlson is scheduling these D-IAA games to help with fundraising for equipment and other program necessities, that's great fundraising that he didn't have to get from you or me.

We are starting to see the improvements that we had been waiting for. Yes, they are coming, even if they aren't coming as fast as we've won 4 or 5 games and dominated some good game, but they are coming. I'm ready for the resurgence that will be the NEW standard of winning at VU. Those who don't want to agree with me, keep miring in your disappointment that we aren't winning games by 30+ points. I'm just excited to see that we're getting some positive yards and putting some points on the scoreboard.


Quote from: vu72 on September 13, 2011, 01:06:11 PM
Coach Carlson quotes two reasons for these games:

1...for the PFL to gain an automatic berth into the Division I-FCS play-offs we must all play as many Division I games as possible.

2.  we get a guarantee and that is part of our fund raising plan to improve the football program.

He added that the players want to play these games and I guess will just have to take his word on that one.

I can't accept these reasons for playing teams that are so far above our level. Losing a game by 60-70 points is not going to help our division get a berth in the playoffs. The amount of money we receive does not compensate for the negatives that result in recruiting, retention, and possibility of injuries from such losses. Finally, the players are not going to tell a coach that they don't want to play in such games; however, I spoke to a couple of the players this week, and they were dejected, embarrassed, and definitely did not think they should be playing such a team on their schedule.

I don't doubt that Carlson may be a good field coach who can sell his team on a style of play, but I'm not buying these off-the-field decisions about scheduling.


As a former VU football player, I think our schedule is fine the way it is. I personally enjoyed the challenge of playing a scholarship team. I knew that we were probably going to get blown out, but I wasn't embarrassed by it. I don't think all my teammates would agree with me but I think the majority would. I used those games as a measuring tool for me as an athlete. If I individually could compete with guys from North Dakota St, or South Dakota St then I knew I would have no problem with anyone from say San Diego or Dayton. If I couldn't compete then I knew I had to work that much harder in practice, in the weight room, or in the film room to be where I needed it to be. Maybe the athletes that you spoke with couldn't compete, maybe they need to work at certain aspects of their game. Its not the coaches fault. Playing in big games, as a coach you'll discover who's going to step up to the challenge and who is going shy away. Truth of the matter is that this is a way to help fund our program. As some may have a hard time believing, it is a recruiting tool. Its one of the reasons that I went to Valpo. Injuries are part of the game, it doesn't matter if we're playing Ohio St or Joliet Junior College. Injuries happen. In fact, if I remember correctly we had more injuries playing Wisconsin Lutheran than we did South Dakota St. So I don't buy that if we play teams that are so called "above-our-level" that you have to worry about injuries. If you're giving 100% on every play (which you have to in order to be on the same field with a YSU) you're less likely to get hurt.

I personally think that hiring Coach Carlson was the best decision this University has made regarding football in a long, long time. I believe in him, he's the right man for the job. He's certainly better than what VU had when we won conference in 2003. I should know, I was part of that team. Coach Carlson is going to need some time to turn this program around. So instead of criticizing the schedule, just show the man some support.


Quote from: TC28 on September 13, 2011, 02:49:21 PM
As a former VU football player, I think our schedule is fine the way it is. I personally enjoyed the challenge of playing a scholarship team. I knew that we were probably going to get blown out, but I wasn't embarrassed by it. I don't think all my teammates would agree with me but I think the majority would. I used those games as a measuring tool for me as an athlete. If I individually could compete with guys from North Dakota St, or South Dakota St then I knew I would have no problem with anyone from say San Diego or Dayton. If I couldn't compete then I knew I had to work that much harder in practice, in the weight room, or in the film room to be where I needed it to be. Maybe the athletes that you spoke with couldn't compete, maybe they need to work at certain aspects of their game. Its not the coaches fault. Playing in big games, as a coach you'll discover who's going to step up to the challenge and who is going shy away. Truth of the matter is that this is a way to help fund our program. As some may have a hard time believing, it is a recruiting tool. Its one of the reasons that I went to Valpo. Injuries are part of the game, it doesn't matter if we're playing Ohio St or Joliet Junior College. Injuries happen. In fact, if I remember correctly we had more injuries playing Wisconsin Lutheran than we did South Dakota St. So I don't buy that if we play teams that are so called "above-our-level" that you have to worry about injuries. If you're giving 100% on every play (which you have to in order to be on the same field with a YSU) you're less likely to get hurt.

I personally think that hiring Coach Carlson was the best decision this University has made regarding football in a long, long time. I believe in him, he's the right man for the job. He's certainly better than what VU had when we won conference in 2003. I should know, I was part of that team. Coach Carlson is going to need some time to turn this program around. So instead of criticizing the schedule, just show the man some support.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Trine used to be Tri-State....one of the schools Carlson coached at before and one we used to play periodically


Ok, I thought I was going to stay out of this one but I've waited too many years for the changes that are coming and currently happening at VU with regard to all athletic programs.

I've always held the view that athletics at the college level were to enhance the education and life experience of the student that participated.  He or she should be taught by professor grade educators of the game with a dash of the humanities and a challenge to the beliefs and character one espouses.  Yes, I come from an era gone by to most on this forum and many question, in this day and age, that these attributes don't get the results that an alumni or fan wants.  Well, the true results are witnessed and realized on the field not always on the scoreboard.  Yes - I want to win - NO, I do everything I can to win but I gained that while on Brown Field in 1969 during my sophomore year on a team that lead me to discover "How to do within when you're without!".  Yes, there is energy beyond what your body says once your mind engages and your heart becomes calm.  Focus is never clearer, desire never stronger and effort never questioned.

The ones that point to the program and say it will never - we aren't - we couldn't are the same ones that say would've - could've - should've in 20/20 hindsight.  First off the AD is doing an excellent job for the most part.  He has transitioned the program from a bottom 20 conference to a top 10 conference in most sports and is building a good stable of educator coaches aligned with the values and character of the institution.  Secondly the new administration has returned to a more sports friendly and inclusive academic environment.

Now specifically to football - Coach Carlson is the right man for this job (by the way he started the Trine(Tri-State) program).  He has the character for the job and the thick skin to weather these first storms.  He knew and we knew coming in that the program had to reset- rebuild and discover a new identity of its own.  The schedule is not the problem it is the stage of the turnaround.  This last weekend Bulter, Jacksonville and Morehead all played and lost to MVC teams but not all blowouts some might say competitive and all these schools have to be contended within our conference.  TC28 is right! -  Injuries are part of the game, it doesn't matter who you're playing. Injuries happen. If you're giving 100% on every play (which you have to in order to be on the same field with a YSU) you're less likely to get hurt. Most injuries are from friendly fire (own teammates) anyway – as with El Ali ankle rolled-up with two of our own.

I only fear that this team may not have learned part of the lesson taught on Saturday.  There isn't enough Senior or Upper class leadership to tell the new ones that the intensity of the start can't be maintained forever by the YSUs or anyone.  You have to strike back and hope that they flinch too.  Now speed was the main issue and we didn't have the will to tackle the small numbers and chose to chase the larger numbers on the backs of their jerseys. At halftime things change a little against the 2s and 3's the team saw some difference and the best thing I saw was that the coaches didn't stop coaching.  They took the lesser opposition at the end and capitalized on it for the score.  My hat is off to the YSU coach for stepping off the peddle but still playing and evaluating his own talent.  This team needs two more years of recruits before I'll begin to wonder about the progress.

Now back to my beginning, TO CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES --- "YOU" HAVE TO CHANGE!  As fans, this holds for us too.  I'm not saying we need to be all Polly Anna but a realistic vision might support some change. Go to a game and watch for the indicators.  I watched the video feed this last weekend and I'm driving from outside D.C. to Pittsburgh for Saturday's game.  I'm stopping at the Flight 93 Memorial on my way to pay tribute to others that took lessons learned on the playing field and made a difference in life not measured on the game's scoreboard.


Hey, I support what we are doing. By the same token it is actually ok to schedule a winnable game at this point.  Life's lessons can include a victory...it is allowed.

IU and Purdue are playing 1AA opponents this week. Florida State did last week, so did Penn State two weeks ago...why can't we also play someone well below us.  Keep two life lessons on the schedule but add one taste of victory.


Amen, Crusader 65!   Some of the negative comments being posted regarding our new Coach and program and now attacking the A.D. are inappropriate.  I like the direction our football program is heading.  It will take time.  You don't build a top program overnight.  It's way too soon to start criticising Coach C and now the A.D.  Our A.D. has done an outstanding job developing both the intercollegiate and on campus programs for the student body.  And it appears that facilities development is and will be continued to be improved.      GO VALPO!


Quote from: rlh on September 13, 2011, 12:43:29 PM
I disagree with one premise, we don't need to schedule teams we can beat, we need to schedule teams we can be competitive with.  Basically I'm saying the same thing, but remember they're trying to beat us too...St. Francis, Albion, Hope, Trine...teams like that that we played in the past are the kinds of teams we should be playing.  We didn't always beat them, but at least we were competitive.....Playing teams like Youngstown State and North Dakota do nothing for our image or football fortunes.  I would really be interested in how much these "money" games bring in, but I doubt that it's enough to make up for the embarrassment.

I am of the same opinion. Scheduling YSU is just plain dumb, no matter the payout. You're relying on the kindness of others that the score wasn't in the 100's. There's absolutely no doubt that YSU could have put up at least 100 points on Valpo if they'd have just keep playing vs. dumbing down the offense and allowing Valpo to be "in the game". What kind of lesson is that...Or to quote the Karate Kid "what did I prove, that I can take a beating?"

Money is great, but at what cost?
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


I am not trying to start an argument, but I really fail to understand how some fans are content with scheduling non D-I FCS teams.  This is not D-I thinking.  IMO, a Division III athletic mentality is inappropriate for a Division I University, no matter the program. 

FCS should be competing with FCS.  As I said before, we could lose to YSU 49-0 and I would take that against a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 77-13 against YSU and I would still take that over a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 106-0 to YSU and I would still take that over a win against Franklin any day of the week. 

And as far the avoidance of having embarrassing losses as a reason for the program to not schedule FCS teams when it itself is an FCS program, give me a break.  That is an absolute joke.  69-25 anyone? Men's soccer has lost games by eight or nine goals in the past when the program was less funded that it is now.  As programs, I didn't see either the basketball or soccer program lay in the corner of the room and curl into fetal position by loading up on non D-I teams after these losses to remain competitive.  Why should football be the exception?

FCS should be competing against FCS.  It is that simple.


I hope you are right crusaderjoe.  It may take some time but hopefully we will arrive.  Remember, Valpo beat Northwestern 85-0 in 1920 and they apparently have continued to improve after that blowout!   :dance:
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: crusaderjoe on September 14, 2011, 10:20:24 AM
I am not trying to start an argument, but I really fail to understand how some fans are content with scheduling non D-I FCS teams.  This is not D-I thinking.  IMO, a Division III athletic mentality is inappropriate for a Division I University, no matter the program. 

FCS should be competing with FCS.  As I said before, we could lose to YSU 49-0 and I would take that against a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 77-13 against YSU and I would still take that over a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 106-0 to YSU and I would still take that over a win against Franklin any day of the week. 

And as far the avoidance of having embarrassing losses as a reason for the program to not schedule FCS teams when it itself is an FCS program, give me a break.  That is an absolute joke.  69-25 anyone? Men's soccer has lost games by eight or nine goals in the past when the program was less funded that it is now.  As programs, I didn't see either the basketball or soccer program lay in the corner of the room and curl into fetal position by loading up on non D-I teams after these losses to remain competitive.  Why should football be the exception?

FCS should be competing against FCS.  It is that simple.

Not trying to add to your argument but in case you haven't seen this....8 of the 10 teams in the Pioneer play non FCS teams. Butler, Drake, Davidson and San Diego play two.  Have you noticed that FBS schools schedule FCS ones.  I assume that violates your thought as well.  You might want to check the opening game that our men's soccer team played this year.  Get back to me on that one.  While you are out there take a look at basketball as well.  For that matter look at Butler's mens basketball schedule.  I am pretty sure they have a non D1 opponent as well. 


What is confusing the argument is that we at Valpo are considered a D1 FCS school.  We are really a DIII school in football since we offer no scholarships.  I would think it is impossible to compete against any D1 FCS school that offers 65 scholarships.  For our non-conference games we should be playing other teams like us (non scholarship schools), we need to start scheduling more Ivy league teams and more Patriot league teams.  Not more members of the MVFC!


Even scheduling the Ivy League schools can be a brutal loss, though still worth it in my opinion.  One of my first years at VU we played at the Yale bowl and got beat badly, but it helped for the rest of the season that year.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: IndyValpo on September 14, 2011, 12:21:06 PM
Quote from: crusaderjoe on September 14, 2011, 10:20:24 AM
I am not trying to start an argument, but I really fail to understand how some fans are content with scheduling non D-I FCS teams.  This is not D-I thinking.  IMO, a Division III athletic mentality is inappropriate for a Division I University, no matter the program. 

FCS should be competing with FCS.  As I said before, we could lose to YSU 49-0 and I would take that against a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 77-13 against YSU and I would still take that over a win over Franklin any day of the week.  We could lose 106-0 to YSU and I would still take that over a win against Franklin any day of the week. 

And as far the avoidance of having embarrassing losses as a reason for the program to not schedule FCS teams when it itself is an FCS program, give me a break.  That is an absolute joke.  69-25 anyone? Men's soccer has lost games by eight or nine goals in the past when the program was less funded that it is now.  As programs, I didn't see either the basketball or soccer program lay in the corner of the room and curl into fetal position by loading up on non D-I teams after these losses to remain competitive.  Why should football be the exception?

FCS should be competing against FCS.  It is that simple.

Not trying to add to your argument but in case you haven't seen this....8 of the 10 teams in the Pioneer play non FCS teams. Butler, Drake, Davidson and San Diego play two.  Have you noticed that FBS schools schedule FCS ones.  I assume that violates your thought as well.  You might want to check the opening game that our men's soccer team played this year.  Get back to me on that one.  While you are out there take a look at basketball as well.  For that matter look at Butler's mens basketball schedule.  I am pretty sure they have a non D1 opponent as well. 

You are missing the point of my post.  Why does Butler basketball schedule non D-I games?  Is it because they are using them to tune up for the regular season, or is it so that the program as a whole can remain competitive program-wise?  Why did the soccer team open against a non D-I opponent this year?  Was the reason so that the team could have a tune up game before playing a full schedule of D-I opponents, or was it so that the program as a whole could remain competitive and assure itself a win?  See the difference in mindset?

And the idea that scheduling a non D-I opponent affects the overall schedule the same way for basketball, soccer and football is way off the mark, IMO.  Basketball has what, twelve or thirteen non conference games on the schedule.  Soccer has nine.  Football has three.  Even if VU schedules one non D-I opponent outside of conference, this means that a third of its non conference schedule is against non FCS competition.  Add one other and now more than 50% of your OOC is against non FCS competition.  There is no comparison collectively.

FBS and FCS scheduling has a lot to do with big payouts for FCS schools and bowl eligibility I would imagine.  I don't really have a problem with that.  At least D-I is scheduling D-I in that scenario.


Quote from: valporun on September 13, 2011, 01:55:03 PM
Sure, I was upset that we were beaten 77-13 on Saturday by YSU, but I didn't crap myself over it because last year's team would have given up after they were down 21-0.

So last year's team would have been down by more than 6 - 63 at half? This years team got down 21-0 and showed resilience by letting up 42 more points by half. Why are you okay with this?

I really don't understand why any recruit would want to play for this team. When they finally have a chance to taste victory in non-conference play, they go out and lose to D-III schools. Wouldn't it be better for recruitment to schedule some terrible teams and claim you at least won a couple of games in a season? Not teams that Valpo will beat by 50, but teams that Valpo can compete with, but still be favored to win. At some point don't you think the players would start getting on the coach or the AD to schedule a team they have a chance over? It's just really baffling to me how complacent the program is with being rated literally last in all of D-1 (FCS,FBS) and owning a losing streak of 22.


We haven't won more than 2 conference games in 7 years. In the past 6 years they're 6-39 in conference play. At what point do you start thinking about going into a league that doesn't make Valparaiso look this embarrassing?

I don't know if this is possible, but is a school able to be D-III in one sport without jeopardizing D-I status in other sports? Or do they pretty much have to stay in D-I?


Quote from: a3uge on September 14, 2011, 06:36:29 PM
I don't know if this is possible, but is a school able to be D-III in one sport without jeopardizing D-I status in other sports? Or do they pretty much have to stay in D-I?

Yes, for VU to be Division I in everything else, they have to be Division I in football.  Hence the formation of the Division I-AA non-scholarship conference.

I like the fact that we are increasing the number of Division I teams we play.  Would I prefer we not play YSU, Western Illinois, and North Dakota, just for a paycheck so to speak?  Yes.  Would I like to see the team play other Division I-AA teams from conferences we should be competitive in?  Yes.  I think we should be competitve against teams from the Patriot, Ohio Valley, Northeast (Duquesne, who we play this weekend), Ivy, Southland, and Mid-Eastern.  Maybe we couldn't compete with the top teams from these conferences on a year to year basis, but we should be competitive with the lower teams in those conferences.

Schedules, especially football, are usually made several years in advance.  No need to schedule teams for wins - schedule teams we should be competitve against.


I agree with COVUFan, it makes no sense to me to schedule these games.  I wonder how much the paycheck was?  I would much rather see us compete against teams with similar players and in similar leagues.  It will be even harder to recruit if we keep losing and can't even compete in our own league.  Hopefully, these games will make us more competitive in our own league but I still think we should be playing against similar schools.


Quote from: Scrub on September 14, 2011, 01:30:27 PM
What is confusing the argument is that we at Valpo are considered a D1 FCS school.  We are really a DIII school in football since we offer no scholarships.  I would think it is impossible to compete against any D1 FCS school that offers 65 scholarships.  For our non-conference games we should be playing other teams like us (non scholarship schools), we need to start scheduling more Ivy league teams and more Patriot league teams.  Not more members of the MVFC!

Right! The problem isn't scheduling 1AA schools (yes it's the FCS, but it annoys me), it the 1AA schools they choose. Youngstown State? Really? There wasn't any realistic chance Valpo could even compete with YSU, and I am sure the Penguins practices are more difficult.

Let's put it this way, I am not convinced that YSU would finish last in the Big 10, so why would you schedule that team for a non scholarship 1AA school? ???

*You're not D3 when your scores go across the bottom of ESPN on gameday.
Football School 174 Valpo -12 doesn't paint the school in the most positive light.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


I've been listening all week to the sportcaster and pundits talking of different programs attempting to turnaround or reestablish themselves as they battle ranked or tougher opponents.  The common thread or evaluation wasn't based on scheduling but rather the culture of the program being able to answer the intensity or athleticism of the more established teams.  Most believed that the new developing program installing a new offense and defense along with dealing with past players and recruiting their own new players for their systems takes at least 3 to 4 years before true results can be realized.

Scheduling is done 3 to 4 years out so you tend to recruit players to face these future challenges and use them (the tough games) to get a player that wants those challenges.  Coach Carlson didn't have that opportunity but has embraced the challenge for the future.  He has the great advantage in recruiting that unusual student athlete that can qualify for academic scholarship, grant and aid or special scholarships as available to a Valpo program that will get them playing time sooner, in a national reach conference with similar schools obtaining a fine degree and Yes, have at least a few chances to go up against full scholarship programs (FCS) during this experience.  Be part of the turnaround and establish something bigger than themselves.  Many on this board don't envision VU football being anything other than third rate of the third rate. They have maybe only known the modern basketball program (since Homer) but forget that it took a longtime before we could field the teams of today with a promise of better facilities and institutional commitment toward the future.

I see a brighter future.  Scheduling won't make us feel any better only embracing the program and winning each challenge as it comes and some of them will be realized as victories on the scoreboard as well.  Most of the concern for embarrassment lies within each of us.  We are identified with the program as well everytime we don a logo so we have to endure this growing time too.  Let's get a victory this weekend to put some of this at ease.  Go Valpo!


Quote from: Crusader65 on September 15, 2011, 11:06:38 PM
I've been listening all week to the sportcaster and pundits talking of different programs attempting to turnaround or reestablish themselves as they battle ranked or tougher opponents.  The common thread or evaluation wasn't based on scheduling but rather the culture of the program being able to answer the intensity or athleticism of the more established teams.  Most believed that the new developing program installing a new offense and defense along with dealing with past players and recruiting their own new players for their systems takes at least 3 to 4 years before true results can be realized.

Scheduling is done 3 to 4 years out so you tend to recruit players to face these future challenges and use them (the tough games) to get a player that wants those challenges.  Coach Carlson didn't have that opportunity but has embraced the challenge for the future.  He has the great advantage in recruiting that unusual student athlete that can qualify for academic scholarship, grant and aid or special scholarships as available to a Valpo program that will get them playing time sooner, in a national reach conference with similar schools obtaining a fine degree and Yes, have at least a few chances to go up against full scholarship programs (FCS) during this experience.  Be part of the turnaround and establish something bigger than themselves.  Many on this board don't envision VU football being anything other than third rate of the third rate. They have maybe only known the modern basketball program (since Homer) but forget that it took a longtime before we could field the teams of today with a promise of better facilities and institutional commitment toward the future.

I see a brighter future.  Scheduling won't make us feel any better only embracing the program and winning each challenge as it comes and some of them will be realized as victories on the scoreboard as well.  Most of the concern for embarrassment lies within each of us.  We are identified with the program as well everytime we don a logo so we have to endure this growing time too.  Let's get a victory this weekend to put some of this at ease.  Go Valpo!

Just think if someone only graded Homer on his first four seasons:

10-19 (4-8)
4-24 (1-11)
5-22 (2-14)
5-22 (2-14)

where would VU basketball be today without Homer (and Bryce).  We should give coach Carlson a chance.  Scheduling is not the problem.