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Started by vu72, March 09, 2012, 09:51:24 AM

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Interesting video posted by VU72 from nine years ago.  The tone and focus of MH remarks are very solid and can be affirmed.

But here is some fact checking:  The new tennis courts, new softball field, football turf, and Hilltop Gym renovation were all designed and funded under Harre.  Only the track was funded and dedicated under MH who began in 2008.  Maybe MH did something I have forgotten.
MH says in the video that when he travels the first thing people tell him about Valpo is that we have great academics and a great athletics program.  In my experiences from traveling, the FIRST thing people say to me is, "Do you guys still have a great basketball team?  I remember the shot.  How long ago was that?"   

Whenever you travel out of Indiana or Illinois try telling someone you are from Valpo and see what their FIRST comment is. 


I live outside Indiana and can confirm the people in this part of the country that do know of valpo generally only know about it because of the basketball team. The people here typically either (1) have never heard of valpo or (2) know of it because the basketball team and usually mention the Drews.


Quote from: valpolaw on February 17, 2019, 10:11:46 PM
I live outside Indiana and can confirm the people in this part of the country that do know of valpo generally only know about it because of the basketball team. They people here typically either (1) have never heard of valpo or (2) know of it because the basketball team and usually mention the Drews.

So investing in the basketball program as a marketing tool is a good thing? You don't say.


The local sports radio show in Tulsa always plays "The shot" during the commercial breaks and advertisement.  Valpo for the win!  Very proud moment especially when I'm riding with other people.   


Quote from: crusadermoe on February 17, 2019, 03:08:40 PM
Interesting video posted by VU72 from nine years ago.  The tone and focus of MH remarks are very solid and can be affirmed.

But here is some fact checking:  The new tennis courts, new softball field, football turf, and Hilltop Gym renovation were all designed and funded under Harre.  Only the track was funded and dedicated under MH who began in 2008.  Maybe MH did something I have forgotten.
MH says in the video that when he travels the first thing people tell him about Valpo is that we have great academics and a great athletics program.  In my experiences from traveling, the FIRST thing people say to me is, "Do you guys still have a great basketball team?  I remember the shot.  How long ago was that?"   

Whenever you travel out of Indiana or Illinois try telling someone you are from Valpo and see what their FIRST comment is. 

Not sure of all the timing but the facilities site say that lights were added in 2010, the softball complex underwent "substantial upgrades in 2011" and additional upgrades during 2016, including the batting cages in Hilltop.  As for men's basketball, upgrades occurred in 2011 including the new scoreboard and shot clocks, Homer Drew floor was dedicated in 2010 and Hilltop just concluded adding a new floor, air-conditioning, nutrition centers, a full wall seperating the softball hitting area from the floor etc.

Of course all the additions to the broadcast abilities have just occurred with more on the way (including running cables out the Eastgate).

MH mentioned the locker rooms that were needed and these have also been done including soccer, football and others.  And the weight room and coming new turf will be done or have been done under his watch.  Baseball also has announced improvements.

Obviously there are many things that continue to have needs but as you can see, there are people and coaches pulling from all directions.  Ask John Kuka!
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


I remember one alum I used to sit near when they put up the new scoreboard. "Nice to finally have an gym updated for the nineties."


These comments are very accurate. I wonder if Valpo is really strapped for cash. On a national level, the basketball program has far more recognition than the chapel or any choir. It is time the university gives back, especially now that we are in the competitive MVC. If Drake can have a reasonable campus facility, then Valpo can do the same.


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on February 18, 2019, 08:36:22 AM
I remember one alum I used to sit near when they put up the new scoreboard. "Nice to finally have an gym updated for the nineties."

A lot of ARC upgrades are nice and appreciated like the scoreboard, etc but it's sort of like putting lipstick on a pig. We need a full scale reno but that takes lots of $.

Quote from: vu72 on February 18, 2019, 08:12:29 AM
Quote from: crusadermoe on February 17, 2019, 03:08:40 PM
Interesting video posted by VU72 from nine years ago.  The tone and focus of MH remarks are very solid and can be affirmed.

But here is some fact checking:  The new tennis courts, new softball field, football turf, and Hilltop Gym renovation were all designed and funded under Harre.  Only the track was funded and dedicated under MH who began in 2008.  Maybe MH did something I have forgotten.
MH says in the video that when he travels the first thing people tell him about Valpo is that we have great academics and a great athletics program.  In my experiences from traveling, the FIRST thing people say to me is, "Do you guys still have a great basketball team?  I remember the shot.  How long ago was that?"   

Whenever you travel out of Indiana or Illinois try telling someone you are from Valpo and see what their FIRST comment is. 

Not sure of all the timing but the facilities site say that lights were added in 2010, the softball complex underwent "substantial upgrades in 2011" and additional upgrades during 2016, including the batting cages in Hilltop.  As for men's basketball, upgrades occurred in 2011 including the new scoreboard and shot clocks, Homer Drew floor was dedicated in 2010 and Hilltop just concluded adding a new floor, air-conditioning, nutrition centers, a full wall seperating the softball hitting area from the floor etc.

Of course all the additions to the broadcast abilities have just occurred with more on the way (including running cables out the Eastgate).

MH mentioned the locker rooms that were needed and these have also been done including soccer, football and others.  And the weight room and coming new turf will be done or have been done under his watch.  Baseball also has announced improvements.

Obviously there are many things that continue to have needs but as you can see, there are people and coaches pulling from all directions.  Ask John Kuka!

Not all investments are equal. A $ invested in the men's basketball goes much further than any other sport at Valpo. It sounds harsh but it's a reality. It's a simple cost-benefit analysis. Men's basketball is probably the only sport at Valpo that reach a mainstream audience (even beyond sports fans) and be a marketing and promotion for the University. But the bright side about doing a ARC renovation is that it could benefit many sports programs of ours.



I live in Des Moines and I have gone to numerous Drake basketball games over the years. I think the big advantage the Drake facility has over the ARC is the line of windows along the south wall of the Knapp Center.  It provides much light and makes the place seem bright and less confined, more spacious.  This is probably a pipe dream on my part, but when the administration gets around to remodeling the ARC, I would put windows along either of the north or west wall. The problem is it would probably cost several million dollars to do this.  I think it would be worth it, however, because the ARC is quite dark and confining.  Paul


Paul, the problem is that it should not be a pipe dream. A completely renovated ARC is a necessity, not a luxury if we are committed to the MVC. If other schools can like Loyola, Drake and Butler can accommodate, then why can't Valpo?

Sorry, you can only get so much power out of Dodge Dart.

Just Sayin

Renovation of the ARC is progressing nicely.


Real interesting points brought up in the most recent post in this thread:


Says students aren't as interested in dormitories or the traditional residential model of college. Perhaps a feather in the ARC Reno firsters cap. The only question is will Valpo listen?


"Will Valpo listen?"

Spoiler alert: No.


I really hope there's a big swell of support for athletics soon. Otherwise I fear that we'll soon become just another program along for the ride and sponging off of more committed schools and the blame will rest not on Lottich nor on the players or even the AD. The blame will be laid at the feet of a board and president that want all of the benefits of being in a  big time basketball conference while doing none of the work to contribute to that conference's success. What do we have to do to get more pro-athletics people on the board? We've modernized our buildings and our approach now all that's left is using one of the best vehicles available to propel the university forward: athletics.


I realize this wouldn't happen, but I'd love to hear MLB make a comment in an interview, USH or the like about how he's disappointed the University hasn't made renovating the ARC more of a priority. He may get a talking to but highly unlikely they'd fire him, and in the meantime it would put the pressure on the admin to step up.

Again, I realize it won't happen, and likely wouldn't make a difference if it did. But I would just like to know someone in a position of (semi) power at Vu is as upset as we are at the lack of progress.


At some point, we all have a choice to make. Stand up for what's right. Or, get washed away in the memories of mediocrity. Some would even say you're aiding the problem by being luke warm about things ... or noncommittal ... or secretive. As for me, I'd hope I'd be man enough to stand up for the very thing I'm supposed to be in charge of - Athletics. Why not? And, in a public but respectful way?

I tried watching his reaction - during the typical last 7 minute of the game melt down - on Saturday. Hard to say what he's feeling. He knows - as well as anyone - what this place was like a few years ago. He knows what it could be like. He's gotta watch the body language and see what we're seeing. He had to do what he had to do when hiring Matt. He's given him a fair shake. Some would say he should be given another year. Fair enough. But after that ... gotta do what you've gotta do.

If we can't even win - in 2 years - what we won a few years ago (30 games), then that's saying something.

Post-Alec (once he sustained his injury and then graduated), we've been abysmal apart from stretches.

And the stretches I see are stretches where we're playing a different kind of basketball. High-paced, full-pressure (at times), not using the shot clock kinda ball. But then, players get a few turnovers and don't run "the play" or shoot too quick in the shot clock or what have you and they're benched. Or, at best left out there as shells of themselves.


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 02, 2019, 12:15:01 PM
I realize this wouldn't happen, but I'd love to hear MLB make a comment in an interview, USH or the like about how he's disappointed the University hasn't made renovating the ARC more of a priority. He may get a talking to but highly unlikely they'd fire him, and in the meantime it would put the pressure on the admin to step up.

Again, I realize it won't happen, and likely wouldn't make a difference if it did. But I would just like to know someone in a position of (semi) power at Vu is as upset as we are at the lack of progress.

I think this makes you feel better but I don't think it helps get Valpo to our objective. I think MLB may have an understanding with the BOD and president and he's happy with his situation and knows at this time things won't change until a certain person or situation changes.



The track was a key update by Heckler.  But none of other projects (cited by a poster in answer to my post) strike me as "substantive" except perhaps the new Homer Drew court.

Harre raised the funds and created the new tennis courts and football field turf, and built the softball field on campus.  Without the football field turf, the track doesn't happen.


Are the racket ball courts still west of the gym?


The original FITT campaign was designed to build the track, tennis courts and softball complex. The end result was that there was enough money when the campaign ran out of steam to build the latter two facilities and a pot of left over money to build the track IF a lead donor could cover the rest. I believe the turf surface was a separate endeavor, but it could have been part of the original FITT package.

Speaking of the turf, which is being replaced this summer, I heard that Valpo is going to make a splash on the athletic scene and has contracted for bright gold grass with brown lines ala Boise State's smurf turf.  Nah.  Just kidding 😂


Quote from: VULB#62 on March 04, 2019, 08:43:34 PM
The original FITT campaign was designed to build the track, tennis courts and softball complex. The end result was that there was enough money when the campaign ran out of steam to build the latter two facilities and a pot of left over money to build the track IF a lead donor could cover the rest. I believe the turf surface was a separate endeavor, but it could have been part of the original FITT package.

Just a little off.  The FITT program was for FOOTBALL (new artificial turf, upgrade to stands to meet ADA standards and moved to acomodate the 8 lane track, new scoreboard and Lighting) INTRAMURALS, TENNIS and TRACK.  Softball had nothing to do with it.  Tennis was completed first and the funds ran out before the track could be completed. The softball field was finished in 2003 but had extensive work done in 2011 and again in 2016.

Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Yeah, that now makes sense. Both of us agree that the campaign ran out of steam before the track could be built. Took a few years to get the Hoger Track underwritten.

A similar campaign could be initiated for the ARC and updates could be staged in conjunction with the funds that come in. But, unfortunately, linear thinking states that nothing shall compete with raising funds for the endowment.


Renovations of the ARC (or a new facility altogether) will go nowhere as long as VU does what it's done for the past 13 years on the issue -- discuss it in the abstract and then punt it because "hey when the ARC is full it's a tough place for opponents" and "we haven't had any donors come forward yet."

Put together a plan for a campaign - broad parameters are all that's necessary here, just say "we're doing this but how soon will depend on the support it gets". Then commission a couple artist renderings and put those front and center. Yeah, then your development staff needs to do their job, but typically, you'll know it pretty short order the level of enthusiasm out there for the project, and then you can get more granular in terms of timeline, specifics, etc.


"Christmas is for presents, March is for Championships." Denny Crum